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Summary: Sherlock returns home from work and collapses.


or Liam takes care of a sick Sherlock

⚠ spoilers for chapter 55+/ Season 2 ⚠

It had been almost a year since the fall, Liam was still recovering but he was mostly alright.

Ever since Liam was able to walk properly, he insisted on helping Sherlock with house chores. It was boring sitting in bed all day with nothing to do, at least if he helped around the house he would have something to do. Of course, Sherlock refused, saying that Liam needed all the rest he could get. However, that never stopped Liam, besides, whenever Sherlock came back from work he always looked so exhausted. It felt cruel to let Sherlock do everything by himself.

Eventually, Liam was able to convince Sherlock to let him help him, and so they split the chores equally.

And it just so happens that Liam was making supper at this moment. He knew Sherlock would be arriving home soon so he started preparing the food beforehand. Liam looked over at the big grandfather clock in their shared apartment

He's late.

For the past few days, Sherlock has been returning home late. It seems his work has been quite tiring because the rings under his eyes only darkened with each passing day. Liam sympathised with his lover, he would constantly tell the ex-detective that he needs to take a break, Sherlock would always brush him off and claim that he was fine. It reminded Liam of himself when he was still a professor at Durham University, how he would work himself until he passed out or Louis would force him to stop.

He laughed quietly to himself at the memory but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening

"Welcome back" the blonde spoke from the kitchen, Sherlock hummed in response.

"You're late again, Sherly, I was starting to think something had happened-" Liam stopped his sentence as soon as the raven-haired man walked in. Sherlock looked as pale as a sheet and it seemed as if he was going to collapse at any moment. Liam rushed over to the other and felt his forehead

"Youre burning up!" he exclaimed.

"Im fine, I promise" Sherlock gave his lover a weak smile as he took Liams hand away from his head. Liam gave him an unconvinced look.

"You clearly are not fine-" the blonde was interrupted by Sherlock resting his head on Liams shoulder.


Liam shook him slightly

He passed out.

Liam sighed and shook his head

"Looks like well be eating supper cold tonight"


Later that evening, Liam walked into their bedroom to see Sherlock was awake

"Hello dear, did you sleep well?" he asked, there was no malice behind his voice.

"Yeah, I did What time is it?"

"Its nearly eight o'clock"

Sherlock looked down in shame, he had been passed out for nearly 3 hours.

"'M sorry for worrying you, Liam" Sherlock apologised. It was quite ironic, Londons greatest detective, who was known for his abrasive personality, was apologising because he feared that he made his Liam worry.

"You are quite the hypocrite, Mr. Holmes. You are always telling me to look after myself but then proceed to neglect your own needs" Liam said and sat down on the bed. The raven-haired man looked deflated, only making Liam sigh.

"Im glad youre alright, but please do try to take better care of yourself dear," he said and brushed away a few loose strands of hair away from Sherlocks face.

"I will.." Sherlock leaned into the touch as he spoke

"Good, because I have already told Billy that you are taking a few days off "

"Thank you," Sherlock said and kissed the blondes hand

"I hope you didnt neglect yourself like this back in London" Liam mentioned

"Ah well back in London, it was even worse. If it werent for John, Im sure Id be dead" Sherlock joked, which only made Liam frown.

"You know, you might be the smartest fool Ive ever met Sherlock Holmes"

Sherlock only smiled at his lovers comment

"Poor Dr. Watson, he mustve been worried sick about you" Liam continued

"He was the only one who would put up with my antics. I do miss him" Sherlock laughed as the memory of John scolding him for not taking care of himself flooded his head.

The two men hardly talked about their lives back in England because they both knew it would still be a long time until they could go back.

"On another note, would you like to have dinner? You probably havent eaten in a while" Liam asked, changing the subject

"Dinner would be nice"

"Im afraid its gone cold though"

"Thats fine, any food made by you is delicious, no matter what temperature"

Liam laughed

"Still charming as ever," he said before exiting the room

It looks like Liam will be taking care of Sherlock for the next few days.


So something weird happened with my story that when I copied it down, none if the inverted commas were added, so sorry about that! I have fixed them though!

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