The Fall And Everything After

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Summary: The fall but an alternative ending

⚠ spoilers for season 2/chapter 55 ⚠

They were falling.

However, it felt as if time had stopped, just for them.

"Lets live, Liam. Lets survive" Sherlock had said to William right before hitting the water.


The water was ice cold, almost enough to make Sherlock feel numb. He gasped for air as he lifted his head above the water, still holding onto his dear friend.

He was alive

However, Sherlock had no time to celebrate, he had to get to land and check if William had survived. And so he positioned William onto his back and began to swim, which was excruciatingly painful. He had probably broken an arm, perhaps a rib too.

He made it underneath the bridge, where there was a small ledge, he could at least make sure William was alright there, before moving to a more secluded place.

Sherlock lay William on the ground and took his arm to feel his pulse.

"Still alive. Good" the raven-haired man spoke aloud, then proceeded to tear a strip of fabric from his shirt with which to bind Williams head. William mustve hit something when they crashed into the water because his head was bleeding profusely.

"You damn idiot" Sherlock spat, he was not sure if that comment was aimed at William or himself.

He had propped William against the wall and decided to strategize, but was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps.

But thats impossible, why would anyone be down here? Unless...

He wasnt sure what to expect so he grabbed a nearby piece of scrap wood, just in case someone was planning to ambush them.

As the footsteps came closer, Sherlocks grip on the scrap wood became tighter.

A man with black scruffy hair approached the two, he wore a white glove on his left hand.

"Hold it!" Sherlock warned and pointed the wood towards the man.

"Dont come closer"

The man stopped and put his hands up in defence.

"Woah there, no need to get violent. Im here for William, Im his associate" the man spoke, making Sherlock lower his weapon.

The man rushed to Williams aid and grimaced at the sight of the blonde. He pulled a bandage roll from his back pocket and replaced the, now bloodied fabric, with it.

"The names Moran. Cant exactly give you a proper introduction because..." Moran indicated to William, to which Sherlock only nodded.

Sherlock began to feel drowsy from the blood loss mixed in with the pain of broken bones.

"You should rest, I will take care of everything from here," Moran said and finished bandaging up Williams head. Sherlock fought the urge to close his eyes, he was going to make sure William was alright, even if he wasnt in the best shape.

His body, however, had not listened to him and he began to slowly shut his eyes.

The last thing he remembered was being picked up


Sherlock awoke to sunlight hitting his eyes, making him groan and sit up. Once he did, he realised he was not by the bridge, but in his own room.

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