All The Good Things That I Miss

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Summary: Sherlock visits William after two months

Based off of the song Things I Miss By awfultune

Cw: major character death, implied drug use

Sherlock was strolling down the road, a bouquet of white lilies in hand.

Lilies represent purity, rebirth and passion, however, the meaning did not matter, all that mattered was that they were William’s favourites.

Sherlock strolled down the cobbled road that led him to the potter’s field. He had been a few times for a couple of cases but never to visit someone who inhabited one of the graves.

Sherlock stopped and hesitated for a moment before stepping through the gates. 

Graveyards lived up to their reputation, they definitely give off an unnerving feeling of death and sadness.

He ignored the knot that formed in his stomach and walked down the rocky and sandy path. 

Eventually, he found what he had been looking for, a gravestone.

William James Moriarty 


Sherlock placed the flowers down gently in front of the grave.

“Hey, Liam…” 

Nothing but whistles of the wind could be heard.

It had been almost two months since William died.


Sherlock lay William’s body on the ground. He had dragged them to the surface and tried pumping water out of William’s lungs by pressing on his chest. None of that seemed to work because William’s heart rate only dropped, not to mention the blood loss he was enduring due to his injuries.

And eventually, William’s heart stopped beating altogether.

“Liam?” Sherlock spoke, desperately hoping that William would wake up, but he didn’t.

Sherlock held William’s limp body in his arms, he didn’t care if his clothes were getting soaked in blood, nothing mattered at that moment.

Warm tears fell from the detective’s face and landed on William’s pale cheek.

Sherlock couldn’t remember the last time he had cried, and he realised the reason for not doing so in such a long time.

Crying hurt. His chest felt tight,  his eyes stung and his heart ached. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t stop the tears from flowing.

Sherlock whispered things through his sobs, such as pleading for William to wake up and calling him stupid for jumping.

Even after the Yard had found them, Sherlock refused to let William go.

Lestrade had to physically remove him so they could take William’s body.

“Holmes, you have to let him go,” Lestrade said, pulling Sherlock away to divide the two.

Sherlock didn’t fight it because he felt weak due to the heavy emotions he was feeling and the injuries had gotten.

Even though Lestrade had told him to let go, Sherlock knew he wouldn’t be letting go anytime soon.


Tears threatened to leave Sherlock’s eyes while he was recalling the memory.

He sat down on the small patch of grass in front of William’s grave.

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