Chapter 24

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This unfamiliar side of him takes and holds me.


I have no words. I run my hand down the side of my dress, admiring how well it fits me. My makeup is fantastic, as Ember never goes wrong with that. I have a small diamond necklace resting right underneath my collarbone, and dangly earrings to match. My hair is a little fancier than usual, though not by much as there aren't many hairstyles that suit me. 

Ember comes up behind me in her dress. She looks even more stunning than every other day, which I thought was impossible. Her hair is curled and the locks fall delicately on her shoulders. She has a simple gold necklace on, which I think Lorraine gave to her. The best part however, is her smile. She looks so excited it would break my heart if anything went wrong.

"You ready?" She asks, trying to keep the giggles under control.

"Yup, I think so," I respond.

I'm extremely careful when walking to the great hall. My dress isn't too long but I definitely would trip if I got too distracted. The moon is rising and I wish I could watch it for a second. I won't, as Ember is practically sprinting and I'm struggling to keep up. We turn the corner and see the massive, open doors. The inside is a white, glittery bliss and my dress surely got the message. 

Lorraine looks over at us- though it's more like she's looking towards Ember, as her eyes are locked on hers. Ember quietly squeals when she sees Lorraine in her silver and red dress. Their dress choices may seem uncoordinated to most, but to the few who realize what they're doing it's strangely adorable. Ember wore gold for gryffindor and green for slytherin, an attempted apology for always bashing the house. Once Lorraine caught on she did the same, wearing red for gryffindor and silver for slytherin.

Ember skips off with a wave and I turn around just in time to see Tom strutting around the corner. His hands are in his pockets, making the movement seem so natural to him. His all black attire turns heads as he makes his way towards me.

Kill me now.

He stops about a foot in front of me, staring me up and down with an unfamiliar look on his face. I clear my throat, attempting to make this moment a little less painful for me to endure. I fail, as that only really attracts more attention.

He offers me his hand, the silver rings remaining in their familiar places. "Princess?"

I hesitantly take it, but the second I do he pulls me to his side. He grabs my waist with his other hand, a possessive move everyone is bound to notice. 

"I'm not about to collapse, no need to hold on so tight," I whisper.

"Do you mind?" He responds, curiosity tinting his voice.

"Well, no-"

"Then I'll remain like this."

I open my mouth to object but I know he's not going to remove his grip. I sigh and momentarily shut my eyes, a second of peace before entering the great hall. He gently squeezes my hand. Was it an endeavor to comfort me? No, surely he wouldn't.

We enter the glittering dining-hall-turned-ballroom. It's barely recognizable as there are dozens of circular tables that fit eight people now instead of the four long ones. the walls are now a silver color and winter-themed art floods the walls. I spot Harvey and Miranda sitting at a table. Miranda is playfully, and flirtatiously, pushing and poking Harvey, who seems to be feeding into the behavior. I'm so glad I didn't go with them.

"The first dance starts in 5 minutes, where would you like to sit?" he murmurs into my ear. His breath on my skin surprises me at first, but it's a solace in the anxiety-provoking environment. I instinctively tighten my grip on his hand and he decides to lead us to an empty table.

I sit down, avoiding his eyes and staring at my heels. The stupid shoes are so showy. He gently lifts my chin up so he can meet my eyes. They search mine, looking for a way he could make me less nervous. His face isn't full of sympathy though, it's just calm. If it were anyone else looking in on this it'd look like he was trying to kiss me. I immediately break eye contact, pushing his hand away. A spark of frustration creeps up on his face but he carefully relaxes again.

Dumbledore clears his throat, a message to start getting ready. I don't move, nobody will notice I'm not dancing, and Tom just wants to leave anyways. A win situation for all, really.

"Vince, look at me," he drawls. I do, though it takes everything in my power to not look away again.

"You were good at the beginning of year party, what happened?" He questions.

I roll my eyes. "The drinks were right near the entrance and I got drunk fast. Besides I didn't stay there long anyways, you would know."

His jaw clenches but he doesn't respond to my attack. Instead he pulls me out of my seat and leads me to the dance floor. I subtly try to pull away but his grip is tight on my hand. We find a spot just as the music begins to play.(start song)

He bows and I curtsy, though I falter slightly. He grabs my waist, pulling me towards him. I swing my arms around his neck for support and gasp at how close our bodies are, and in public no less. This is different than our practices. This... is real.

"Riddle, I-"

He leans his forehead against mine, melting me into a puddle of nervousness. "Close your eyes, darling. Pretend you're somewhere else but, please, remember you're with me."

My breath hitches but I do as he suggests. Black fills my vision and the sounds of others go quiet. I imagine I'm on the astronomy tower, wearing a comfortable skirt and shirt. The sky is painted a dark color, yet not pitch black. Stars dot the sky and moonlight is the only light source for miles. I pretend it's just me and Tom. He's holding me so close, we're one, and my head rests on his chest. He spins me around as the music grows louder. My breathing slows and soon my heart is beating at it's normal rate again.

I open my eyes, leaning back to see him. His eyes are trained on me and he brings a hand up to trace my lips. I don't move, afraid to break the illusion we created. He then places a delicate kiss on my forehead. I feel a strange tug in my chest. He leans back and watches as my mind tries to comprehend why he did this.

"Do you want to leave after this?" He queries. 

I shake my head, "I want to stay here a little longer. With you."

I lean my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me, cradling me in his arms. I forget this is a ball, because it really isn't anymore. It's a private moment between Tom and I, and I won't remember it as anything else.




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