Chapter 25

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Words slip out of my mouth and into the hands of fate.


I had an enjoyable evening.

Tom danced(he pretty much just held we while we spun) to one more song but, when Ember, Lorraine, Harvey, Miranda, Averi and his date showed up, he disappeared. I wasn't about to give him shit, as he just helped me through a massive anxiety attack. The songs were unfamiliar, but were easy to dance/jump to. I found out Miranda was a pretty decent girl. Sure she's obsessed with Harvey, but she's making an effort to be nice to us.

While I was having fun, I wound up thinking about Tom. I never thought he would be the one to comfort me out of all people. He's had his moments but, overall, the expectation for him was low as hell. 

I'm now sitting at a table with a "drink" in my hand. I didn't mind the taste, but a little bit of whiskey could've made it better. It's almost the end of the party and most people have left. Harvey and Miranda went off, and I wasn't about to ask where they were going. Averi's date starting flirting with some 5th year so he took off. I watch as the crowd slowly narrows down as Ember and Lorraine run up to me.

"You still awake?" Ember giggles. Their hands are tightly connected to each other and they don't pull away even after they come to a stop.

I grin, "yup, a shame this is ending soon. I won't be able to sleep for another few hours."

Ember nods, not quite done with her sales pitch, "good, because there's an afterparty in the slytherin common room. It's already started but it's going to go on for a while."

I stand up, setting my water on the table. "Well, let's get going so we don't miss anymore."

The three of us scurry to the dungeons. My dress drags on the floor and ends up getting caught on something. I yell for Lorraine and Ember to wait, and they listen even though they look like they can take off any second. I groan in annoyance and manage to yank it out, but the frustration with the thing still remains.

Lorraine walks up to me, "let me help." 

She draws her wand and mutters a charm. I watch in awe as my ballgown shifts into a short, thigh high dress. I look back up at her, disbelief painted on my face.

"Do you like it? I can change it back if needed-"

I cut her off, "it's exactly what I need thank you. I honestly keep forgetting I can do magic."

She laughs pushing me forward slightly. She does the same charm to herself and Ember. They both, unsurprisingly, look stunning in their outfits. Ember does a little spin and Lorraine catches her hand, pulling her in. I walk past them, afraid to break their moment. I get the entrance and let myself in. I don't wait for them, I'm not even sure if they followed me.

The music blares and kids from all houses are inside, drinking, dancing, or talking. I walk in and pour myself a drink, a real drink. The lights flash, the changing colors finally a somewhat comforting sign. 

The wall opens again and my two friends stumble through. They cold be confused for two drunkards but they're 100% sober. I put the cup to my lips, a hidden smile on my face. They immediately find the dance floor, reminding me of my first party. All we need is Tom to fill up his canteens and move to the astronomy tower. I shake my head. No more thinking about Tom. It's time for me to have fun with my friends.

"TRUTH OR DARE CIRCLE IN THE CORNER," a guy I recognize as Nott yells. Lorraine and Ember attempt to pull me but I fall back.

"I've never played," I start but that only makes them pull harder.

"Well you have to play once before we graduate," Ember says, "come on."

I give in and follow them to the group in the corner. There's quite a lot of people for a silly game. A few girls I don't recognize and Tom's friends were all there. He was absent. I turn away from them, afraid of any lingering thoughts of Tom. Nott beckons us to sit down with a charming smile on his face. Once I'm all settled He begins the game.

"Who would like to start?" He chuckles, sending a wave of fear through me. His laughter is a little too sinister.

"I will," Mulciber responds with a smirk, "Ember, truth or dare?"

Ember doesn't hesitate, "dare."

Mulciber grins, his toothy smile unsettling me. Ember doesn't seem fazed, in fact, she even leans in slightly.

"I dare you to chug a whole cup of beer." simple enough, maybe this isn't as bad as I thought.

"Then get me cup, will you?" Ember snaps, earning a load of oh's around the circle.

Mulciber hands her the plastic, green cup. She doesn't wait for a countdown before she's downing the drink. People cheer her on, screaming for her to hurry up. In less than a minute, she holds the cup above her head in victory. The group cheers as she throws the cup at Mulciber. She calmly sits back down, hiding her smirk.

"Hey Riddle! Want to join?" Nott yells. I turn around, to see Tom, still in his all black outfit, staring directly at me. I give a small wave, careful of everyone watching us. 

"I'm just here to get a drink," his voice cuts open the old memory. 

"Come on, live a little. You've been keeping to yourself all night," Ember pauses, "well, almost all night."

I can see a flicker of hatred flash over his features, "only for a few minutes. I want to get back to my room before midnight."

He sits between me and a blonde girl, who's eyes bulge as she watches him sit. I turn back to the group before he's comfortable. No need for us to make things awkward.

"So, Patsy," she motions to the blonde, "truth or dare."

Pasty, quickly swivels to Ember, "erm, truth."

Ember grins, quickly flickering her eyes to me. What is she thinking?

"You seem to have your eye on Riddle and we all know you slept with him last year." I widen my eyes at Ember, who smiles mischievously, "Do you think he could ever be a bottom?"

Patsy flushes and shakes her head, "hell no."

Ember raises her eyebrows, "care to elaborate?" 

Patsy quickly shakes her head and I let out a chuckle. Unfortunately it was a little too loud and all eyes turn to me. Shit. I feel Tom's fingers lightly brush the side of my dress. A warning.

"What's so funny, Vince?" Nott questions, "I've never heard anything out of you before."

Tom does the same movement again, but I disregard it.

"He's totally a top, it's just there's just something about him that screams bottom. I think if he let go of his pride and ego for a moment he would make a fantastic bottom." Silence fills the circle as everyone stares at us. I clear my throat, desperate to get out of this situation, "I'm kind of tired. Goodnight."

I stand up and don't look back as I go to my room. I shut the door and fling myself on the bed. Everyone will forget my tomorrow, the issue is Tom won't. The door creaks open and I sit up, about to tell Ember that I really am tired. Instead, I'm met with Tom leaning against the closed, wood door.

He smirks, "'Fantastic bottom'? Really, princess?"

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