Chapter 13

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We pull each other back and push each other forward.


Footsteps grow louder, and faster, in the corridor. My head is spinning so fast I can't tell which direction they're coming from but they're definitely coming towards Tom and I. We simultaneously shove each other away; I unfortunately, hit my head against the wall. I yelp and clutch the back of my head. Tom shoots me a disapproving look and puts his finger over his lips.

Those lips that were just on mine...

I shudder at the thought and look away from him. I turn my attention to the person walking towards me. It's an unfamiliar person. They are about 5'7 and have dark clothing covering almost every inch of their body. Tom takes a few steps forward, giving me a quick, menacing glance. I'm offended at first; he seriously pushes me into a wall and gets annoyed at me? Then, after a half second of irritation, I understand what he means.


I step back, pressing my back into the shadows. My head throbs and I can hear a faint ringing in my ears. One of these days he, intentionally or not, will put me in the hospital wing. Both Tom and the figure's steps come to a stop relatively close by.

"I have some news on-"

"let's go somewhere more private," Tom interrupts the croaky voice. It's hard to tell the age, it could be anywhere between 16 and 70. From the sounds of the footsteps it's likely they're on the younger side. 

"Apologies, my lord, but it's urgent news about the-"

the sound of a muffled spell, a body falling and groans of pain hit a little too close to home; except the stinging is light compared to the hit itself. I cover my mouth and press my torso harder into the stone wall behind me. I can't tell who said the spell, but I can take a guess. Silence follows the next three seconds. Then the dragging of a body begins. It's not a loud sound, but eerie for sure. The occasional squelch of skin getting caught on the floor and the slow, heavy footsteps getting farther away from me. 

I don't know what comes over me, but a feeling so numb yet strong overwhelms my senses. It bubbles up to the surface of my skin bringing out every goosebump on my body. My vocal cords are strained and I need to relieve this terrifying feeling. I step out of the corner and into the darkness of the open corridor. 

Tom turns around, his fist gripping the collar of the person's cloak. He furrows his brows, studying my confident position. He curls his lips and lets out a slow, frustrated sigh.

"I never said you could come out yet," he deadpans.

"You never really told me I had to hide," I say. My voice holds strength I never knew I could have, let alone enjoy.

He shrugs, defeated. "Fair enough, now come on and help me get him into a storage closet."

I walk over and grab the boy's feet. His boots are caked with mud but that's the least of my worries right now. I haul him up with a grunt and Tom and I shuffle over to a nearby closet. I drop his feet and pull open the door. The room is pretty much empty, other than dusty old textbooks on the shelves. Tom shoves him in the closest and motions for me to shut the door.

I stare at the back of black hood over the boy's head. His slouched position against the back wall stirs up some unforgettable memories.


"I'm sorry, I swear. It was an accident."

My father grips me by the ear, dragging me to the painfully familiar white door.

"Accident? Your birth was an accident. Your use of that curse is culpable," he seethes, tugging my ear up again. 

I whimper and feel my cheeks burning up. Why can't he understand? Why can't he see I want to control it. I want to learn how to use it. Why can't things go back to how they were? I'd be 10 forever if I could.

He takes the keys out of his pocket and jams it into the keyhole. The door does the silent click s usual, and he yanks it open. It hits the wall, chipping the paint. As the white flake falls to the ground I take the time to remind myself why I'm here.

I just have to control myself, then I'll be perfect.

He gruffly pushes me into the pile of coats. As awfully as they smelled, I'm thankful they're there. The cotton material keeps me from hitting my head on the wall less that an inch behind them. 

I don't turn around. I can't bare to see the disappointed look on his face. 

2 seconds and I would be in my room. 2 seconds of control.

I hear the door slowly creak shut. It's different than the usual slam and, while there is less aggression, there's definitely more emotion behind it. I'm positive it's not good.

The lock twists and clicks again and I'm left in the darkness of my own doing.


I squat down in front of the boy. He doesn't move, other than his slower than normal breath. As much as he looks like it, he's not peaceful. I bite the inside of my cheek and ponder my options. Shut the door, hurt Tom and save him, or give him a little more peace. As obvious as it might look, there actually isn't a right answer. Not for me at least. I don't want to be despicable, but I don't want to be the peacemaker. I reach out but Tom grabs my wrist, his grip printing my skin.

"Don't. Touch. Him." His voice is demanding as he attempts to put out a fire that's already destroyed the forest.

"I won't wake him," I whisper, using my other hand to gently urge his grip to loosen. It works, shockingly.

I grab him form under his arms and hoist him up. He's lighter than I expected, making it easier to puppeteer him around. I settle him back against the wall, making sure he looked somewhat comfortable. I step back and study his breathing again; a little better. I shut the door and turn to Tom, who's squinting at me.

"What?" I snap.

He breaks out of his curious trance and turns away, "you're weird."

I chuckle, "that's a terrible insult. I don't even know if that counts as one."

he turns back to me with a sharp glare, "it's just a neutral statement. When referring to you, anyways."

I start to walk away from Tom, who quickly catches up to me and matches my strides. We walk in silence for the first few seconds.

"Is it okay if I ask you why?" He breathes.

I pause before shaking my head.

"I'll tell you if you care tomorrow."


BTW for the few who read this, I really appreciate it thanks. I hope you all have a wonderful week:)


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