Chapter 27

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Leave me and I still won't hate you.


I don't know where Tom went.

He's nowhere near the drinks or the truth or dare circle. I don't care. If I did, I'd go looking for him. I don't though. 

I'm on my fourth drink. It's okay though because everyone else at this party is drunk too so i'm not alone.

I close my eyes and rub my temple. Does nobody else find this music loud? I stumble backwards, bumping into a familiar face.

"Blackwell," I slur, "You look impeccable wasted."

He smiles, grabbing my arm as I almost stumble back again. 

"That's because I'm not wasted," he says, grunting as he pulls me upwards. "You clearly are though, let's get you to bed."

I attempt to push him away, smacking his chest. "No, I want to fuck somebody first."

He freezes, trying to figure out if I'm serious or not. He eventually decides I am and shakes his head.

"Not in this state you're not. You're already going to regret drinking, let's not add some random hook-up to the list."

I bite my lip, "Come on. I know we're not that close but you have to understand. Not doing this could be detrimental to my pride. If he doesn't think I'm serious and I prove him right, his ego will be boosted and I will go back to being nothing."

He tugs me towards my dorm, "I'm sorry Riddle is an asshole, but you'll get used to it. He's been an asshole his whole life and you shagging one guy won't change that, I promise."

"How would you know, Averi Blackwell?" I cluck my tongue.

"I don't, but Harvey sure as hell does so take a look at him, will you?" He tugs me a little further.

"What do you mean?"

A bottle crashes to the floor and shrieks fly around the room. I turn to see the booze dripping out of the broken glass as a few people try to pick the pieces up.

"Wait here," Averi commands as he goes to help pick up the pieces.

I can't believe he trusts me. I immediately leave the party, taking a cup on my way out. The portraits, once again, judge me. I don't respond this time, trying my best to find the hufflepuff common room.

I haven't totally abandoned my whole plan of getting revenge on Tom. I'm sure there will be some hot hufflepuffs.

I get on staircase but it turns before I get off. Shit. I make my way down, trying to find another way down to the kitchen. The staircases continue to turn when I don't want them to. Eventually, I end up staring up the stairs to the astronomy tower.

I debate it for a few seconds. Last time, it didn't go so badly. However he did avoid me for a while afterwards. But maybe he's different now. I'm not saying I changed him, but I like to think I taught him how to be slightly more decent. I'm drunk, bored, and lonely so why the fuck not?

I skip up the stairs, tripping every so often. The windows are clear, leaving a wonderful view of the sky. I make it to the top, and to no surprise, Tom is drinking with the moon.

He turns to me and I give him a smile. He just takes another sip in response. I sit next to him. The breeze blows through my hair and I breath in. 

"It's a wonderful night," I whisper.

He scoffs, bringing the bottle to his lips. "You're drunk already? How long has it been, an hour?"

"Shh, quiet," I say, taking in another breath of air. I look at him and finally notice he only has one cup. "I thought you were going to get more."

It takes a second for him to realize what I'm talking about. "I said I wanted a drink. Singular."

"And I said be more quiet," I snap.

He doesn't reply. We sit in silence for the next few seconds. I sway in the light breeze and let a giggle escape me. I finally lie on my back, letting my imagination take me into the sky. I pretend I'm dancing with the stars, the moonlight illuminating me and the small objects. I spin and they do the same, I leap and they do the same-

"You have an odd imagination," Tom says, breaking me from my false reality.

I sit up, looking at him, "It seems as if you don't have one at all."

He contemplates that for a second. "I have one. Except those scenarios are much closer to reality than yours. I mean, dancing with the stars? How do you possibly think of that?"

"That's a pretty basic one actually. When I was younger I used to dream I could talk to snakes. I don't know where I got the idea, but I used to dream a snake would break me out of my personal hell and bring me here," I shrug, "I did it myself so I guess that isn't the craziest thing."

He stares at me, "Can you talk to snakes?"

I burst into a fit of laughter. I lay back down and look at the glistening stars. Once my laughter dies down, I reply.

"That's impossible. You're a realist, you should know that."

I hear the sound of his cup being set down. Next think I know, he's lying next to me.

"What was the snake's name?" He whispers.

I smile, "Nagini. In my dreams, she would teach me magic. Well- she technically just explained it to me. I haven't seen her since I got here. I kind of miss her."

"Nagini," he rolls the name through his mouth, "If I find her, I'll let you see her again."

I fiddle with my hands. "Tom?"


"Why do you always leave?" I cringe at how desperate I sound. "I just mean if I'm doing something wrong you should tell me. I can stop, I can be better, I-"

He connects our lips in a prolonged kiss. His lips are warm and he tastes like alcohol. His hand holds my face even after we break apart.

"You're perfect," he whispers, "you're so perfect and I wish you would understand how this is on me." His thumb brushes my skin. "I hate how you blame yourself and I wish I could take away every doubt, every insecurity, every bit of pain... but I can't. I know what you think but I can't feel it," his voice breaks, "I leave because I know where this is going and how much I'm going to hurt you. I won't be there to take that pain away and it's going to kill me knowing I caused it."

I lean my forehead against his. "I'm prepared, I swear."

He shakes his head. "Not nearly enough."

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