The Boys To The Rescue

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Warnings: (brief) mentions of cheating


The guys at the Gas Station watched you through the newly clean glass door as you frustratingly stomped across the Gas Station lot outside.

"All hell is about to break loose." Yuichi said from behind the counter, scaring the boys.

"What do you mean?" Iketani asked, almost fearful.

"Y/N's pissed and she's coming straight towards us." Yuichi said and as if right on cue, you yanked the door to the Gas Station open, the bell ringing wildly above it, and all of the boys jumped out of the way.

They glanced at each other, fear in their eyes as they saw your knuckles turn white as you clutched your Gas Station uniform hat in your hand.

Oh dear God, you were pissed.

"What happened?" Yuichi asked, still standing behind the desk.

You took a ragged breath to try and calm yourself.

"He cheated on me." you stated simply and the emotions in the room went from fear to sympathy.

"He wasn't worth it anyways, Y/N." Kenji said as he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.

"I know." you sighed. "But I just caught him in the act."

Yeeesh, that wasn't good.

"Say," Iketani said as he came out of his fearful state. "Why don't we have a hang-out night tonight? Takumi, is your dad home?"

Takumi opened his mouth to reply but Yuichi got to it first.

"I'll handle that. You kids go hang out at Takumi's." Yuichi said and dismissed you all from the lobby.

Once outside, you took a deep breath and could feel the tears stinging your eyes.

"No! No! Don't cry, Y/N, you're going to make me cry and I'm not a pretty crier." Itsuki exclaimed in panic as he saw the tears brimming your e/c eyes.

"Y/N..." someone called from the end of the station lot.

It was your now ex-boyfriend, the cheater, Shingo Shoji.

"Baby, I just want to talk."

"She doesn't want to talk to you so, go away!" Itsuki said as he placed his hands on his hips, standing in front of you protectively.

"She's my girlfriend." Shingo replied harshly as he tried to catch your eye but you were facing Takumi, your back to Shingo.

"Ex-girlfriend, you cheater." Itsuki said matter of factly.

"I suggest you leave." Kenji stepped forward along with Iketani. They, plus Itsuki, created a sort of protective barrier between you and Shingo and they weren't going to let that asshole through.

By this point, Shingo was getting annoyed, but had not right to. He was cheating on you. He had just been caught cheating on you. And now he wanted to talk? No. Absolutely not. The boys would never let that happen.

You cried soflty in Takumi's hard chest, hoping Shingo and the others couldn't hear it but you doubted it.

"Fine." Shingo hissed before turning on his heal, beginning to walk back the way he came. He then stopped and said over his shoulder, "She's better than you anyways, Y/N." and then proceeded to walk away.

"Oh no he didn't!" Itsuki shouted as he jumped forward to go after Shingo, but Kenji and Iketani caught him and told him to calm down.

You had heard the comment Shingo had just said and it caused you to sob harder into Takumi's work uniform. The poor boy held you awkwardly and tried to be comforting, and you appreciated the effort.

"I think we should go straight to Takumi's now." Iketani suggested.

The five of you made your way to your cars, Kenji in his, Iketani and Itsuki in the S13, and you and Takumi in the 86. Good thing you didn't drive to work today because you were in no condition to be driving home like this.


You laughed at a scene in the movie you and the boys were watching, as you shoved some snacks into your mouth.

The boys were relived that you had stopped crying and your mood was happier now. Thanks to Yuichi, Bunta wasn't home so it was just the five of you hanging out in the living room.

The movie was one of the only comedy ones that Takumi had and he was so happy when he had found it stashed away in a drawer in the living room.

"Guys..." you spoke up softly as the movie continued.

The boys quickly turned to look at you, worry in their eyes.

You were so lucky to have them as friends. They were loyal, and protective, and had always been there for you. Especially now, when you needed them the most.

"I just wanted to thank you guys for everything you did for me today. I really appreciate it, and I love you guys." you said softly, voice still slightly horse from crying, but the boys heard you loud and clear.

A chorus of 'I love you too's' and 'no problems' came back and you couldn't help but smile.

These boys were your best friends and they came to the rescue today. You really did love them.

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