Day 5

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Skylar held the phone to her ear, wishing the person she was calling would pick up. She turned her glance to the clock hanging above the window and did the math. And then she tapped her fingers frantically against the oaken material of her desk, closing her eyes.

She breathed in relief when the line crackled and the other woman was telling someone to hang on.

"Sky?" Emma asked, sounding more than concerned. Skylar wouldn't blame her. She normally would not automatically call Emma if it wasn't an emergency. "Are you okay?"

Skylar supported her forehead by resting it against her finger and thumb. "Are you busy?"

She could practically hear Emma's frown deepening over the phone. "Don't worry about me. Those old fucks can hold on their own for thirty minutes." The blonde laughed weakly and leaned back against her chair. "Sky, is something wrong?"

"So remember that guest I told you about?"

"Oh my god, did you sleep with him?" Emma gasped in exaggerated horror.

Skylar sputtered. "What? No! Ems!"

"Sorry, sorry." Emma giggled. "I couldn't help it."

"Ems, I'm being serious right now," Skylar complained. "At least pretend that you're listening."

"Excuse you, I do not pretend with my best friends, let alone you." Skylar felt warmth crawling up her stomach and into her chest. The fact that Emma had categorized her as something more than a best friend was really touching. "So, what about this guest?"

Skylar bit her lip, suddenly feeling as if maybe she shouldn't do this. But she'd already called and if she didn't tell Emma, Emma would just stubbornly pursue the subject until Skylar relented.


"I told him about Aiden," Skylar blurted.

Around two seconds of silence stretched out between them before Emma said, "Come again?" She sounded doubtful and a little shocked.

Skylar laughed breathlessly. She didn't blame Emma. "Aiden," she spoke. "I told my guest about him."

Emma made a gurgling noise on the other end of the line. Skylar waited as Emma made more unrecognizable noises and a few hums. "I really don't know what I'm supposed to say to that," she finally replied, quiet and wary.

The blonde adjusted her glasses and turned to the open door when she saw movement. It was just Dog trudging in with his squeaky toy in his jaws. She wasn't even sure why she called Emma. She didn't even know what she wanted to hear from Emma. But she just felt like she needed someone to tell and Emma was the obvious choice.

"So you told a complete stranger about my godson," Emma observed. Skylar hummed in agreement. "Does this stranger have a name?"

"You'll know when you come in a couple of weeks." She paused and then ducked her head. "You will be here in a couple of weeks, right?"

"Yeah, totally. I'm already arranging my schedule so I have three days free."

"That's too short a time!"

"I know," Emma pouted. "But I have a merger to close and there are like tons of meeting at this time of the year. Three days are the most I can spare for now. Can we get back to the subject at hand? When did you tell him?"

"Last night when we were walking Dog."

"Wait, you were walking Dog with him?"

Skylar sighed and chuckled. "Yeah, he's like this really weird but unique guest. He told he had no plans whatsoever when he came here. He actually slept his first day here. The entire first day, he spent it sleeping. And then the second day he just tagged along with me, delivering milk and fruit baskets."

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