Day 18

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"Well, look who's here!"

She grinned at the sight of a delighted John and responded to his open arms with a hug of her own, tipping on her toes to kiss him on the cheek. "Good to see you too, John," she greeted as they released each other. Her hand remained on his thick arm as his stayed on her hip. "Feels like a long time since we've last seen each other."

He nodded. And then he smirked. "Well, it seems like you didn't miss me all that much since you have a boy toy of your own back home," he teased. She clicked her tongue disapprovingly. He chuckled. "You do look happier."

Her lips quirked into a small smile. "I guess I am," she breathed in gratification. When it came to her, she widened her eyes and stared at him in shock. "How did you know? Did Ethan tell you?" It came out rushed and panicked.

He shook his head reassuringly and gestured at his pair of eyes. "If you haven't noticed, Sky, I have quite the pair of eyes." She rolled her eyes. "And he wasn't exactly subtle. He came swaggering in like he just won the lottery and he looked livelier than usual. I just put the dots together."

She smiled helplessly and shook her head. "You always are good," she commented.

"Of course."

"You and Aunt Rita," she then grumbled.

He threw his head back with a raucous laugh. It was fortunate that the supermarket wasn't open yet and they were the only ones here. "I'm not surprised that woman knows by first glance. She's been watching you like a hawk for the last five years that she practically knows all your tiny little habits."

"Yes, John, keep it up. It's not all disturbing and annoying," Skylar shot back sardonically, deadpanning him with a look.

He sobered and smiled gently at her. "She loves you like a mother, you know that."

"I do! I completely do!" She grunted and sighed at the same time. "It's just that...even my own mother wasn't as much of a hawk as she was. And I know Aunt Rita loves me. I love her too! I just wish she'd just...tone it down a bit."

"Honey, if there ever is a day when that woman doesn't pester you about getting a man," he smirked, "we need to get her to a hospital."

She had to laugh because she had to agree. "True." And then she looked around her, turning to him apologetically. "I'm sorry for coming before you even open but I forgot to pick up groceries and I'm really running out of ingredients and he's gonna be starved when he wakes up so I need groceries like now," she rambled.

His smirk extended. "Already acting like a housewife," he commented.

She gasped in offense and smacked his crossed arms. "How dare you!" He laughed. "I'm just being a good host and I don't want my guest who is paying me handsomely to not starve. What would happen to my cabin if word of my negligence gets out?"

He nodded, an exaggerated expression of understanding across his face. She grunted, smacking him once again. "You do know that, at this point, even if he doesn't pay you, you'll still let him stay at the cabin, right?"

"Excuse you, no." Yes. "I need funds to keep supporting the cabin and myself and Dog so no, if he's not paying me, he can stay at the goddamn hotel for all I care." She was so totally lying because he was right. Ethan could say that he got broke and she would let him stay as long as he wanted at the cabin. Really, she wished he could stay forever, but you can't always get what you want, right?

Judging by the way John was staring at her, she could only presume that he could see right through her. She then quickly scanned her wrist, pretending there was a watch there.

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