Day 6

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New Zealand, really? - EL

Out of all things, Ethan did not expect to wake up to this text on an early Saturday morning. He pushed himself up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Is there a problem? - EB

Because their first names both started with E's, they've decided to sign their texts to each other with initials; made things easier.

I mean, sure, don't tell one of your best friends about it and just skip out of the country. No big deal. - EL

Ethan scoffed and smirked. The sarcasm in the twenty-three words were palpable. And he completely deserved it. He realized there's no point in texting her so he just dialed her number.

"Oh, nice of you to finally respond. I thought you were dead for like five hours," Emma said a little too cheerfully.

Ethan pulled back the covers and climbed out of bed. "If you hadn't notice, there's quite a big time difference between here and New York," he quipped, pulling back the curtains. "And by the way, I've been gone for like five days and you only text now?"

"I was too angry," Emma said without hesitation. "I had to hear it from Luke. Luke Jordan, your childhood best friend who tried to get into my pants five million times even though I've told him five million times that I'm gay as shit, I had to hear it from him."

Ethan chuckled and sat back down on the edge of the bed. "You know he's just playing you, right?"

"Doesn't matter," she snapped. "I come back from London and I hear this from him."

"I'm sure he also told you that I needed time away," he said.

"Is there a chance that this has anything to do with the rumors about me and you?"

Ethan hummed as he leaned back a little. "Not exactly," he settled. "It was the last straw among everything that's happened." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Honestly, I've been working non-stop for five years. I deserve a break."

"Did your dad blow up on you?" Emma asked knowingly, he could practically hear the sly smirk on the other end of the line.

He huffed. "I couldn't give a rat's ass about that man."

"That's the spirit!" He rolled his eyes. "So, where are you staying at? Maybe I can go visit."

"Absolutely not."

"Why not?" she asked playfully.

He glared into space. "Emma, you bring trouble wherever you go. I need peace and quiet."

Emma laughed heartily into the phone. "You, Ethan Boyd, are the opposite of peace and quiet."

"Which is why I need peace and quiet," he said easily. "So, now that you know I'm safe and sound, can I hang up now?"

"What's the rush?"

"I have plans."

"What plans?"

"Plans I don't have to tell you about."

"What kind of plans that you don't have to tell me about?"

Emma was barely keeping herself from laughing. He rolled his eyes again. "Bye, Emma." And then he ended the call.

He looked at the clock and saw that the phone call had robbed him of five minutes. He took a quick shower and changed into a Henley, a pair of jeans and pulled on his socks.

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