To Infinity

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Does it really matter what day it is?

Ninety-nine per cent of the New York population had all scoffed at the mere idea of Ethan Boyd in a long-term relationship merely two years ago. Even the man himself had chortled and joked when asked about settling down in an interview we conducted with him that exact year.

However, let us look at this. It seems that Mr Ethan Boyd - billionaire, entrepreneur and self-acclaimed long-term bachelor - has finally fallen in love. Out on a stroll on an exceptionally freezing New York winter day, Mr Boyd seemed to be unfazed by the bite of the cruel snow, seen taking off his coat and putting it on a mysterious blonde with a bright smile. Not only that, he ensured that his lady companion was warm by putting an arm around her.

The name of mysterious young lady has yet to be revealed, but well, aren't we all curious about the woman who has finally captured the heart of the most eligible bachelor - or maybe not anymore - in New York?

Sometimes, Ethan could hardly believe everything that had happened to his life since he boarded the plane to New Zealand. Because honestly, what kind of a man get on a plane for a vacation and come back being hopelessly in love with a woman he thought he couldn't have? He was pretty sure he was one in a million.

His phone buzzed on his office desk and he dropped the paper, picking it up with a smirk when he saw the caller ID. "So where are you this week?" he asked as a way of greeting.

"The Big Ben."

"I'm starting to think you met someone over there considering the amount of time you spend there," he teased.

Emma scoffed. "I'm too busy for a relationship right now."

"That's what I used to say."

"Well, I'm not as weak as you are," she retorted. He could basically hear her smirking all the way over in London. "Speaking of, seems like you won't be able to cover up your relationship anymore, you made it to Page Six just by taking a walk in Central Park. Well done!"

"Good thing they haven't found anything about her yet," he said solemnly, staring down at the small snippet of him and Skylar.

Honestly, he was surprised at how happy he looked in the photo, as if nothing could stop him now. He could remember this exact thing happening just yesterday. Since Skylar had came four months ago and officially moved in last month, he had stopped working overtime, getting out of work at exactly five o'clock every evening to go home to his family and her. Yesterday, he was picking her up from work and they decided they could use a little walk together and spend some quality time breathing in fresh air together.

His mother and sister had told him time and time again how happy they were for him because they had never seen him shine so bright before. His sister had taken to Skylar immediately, talking about everything and nothing all the time. He often thought Katie was plotting to take Skylar away from him by the amount time Katie kept monopolizing Skylar. But he knew deep down that Katie was in love with someone else. His mother, though, took awhile to start taking to Skylar. Heather had this ridiculous idea that Skylar was only with him for his fortune no matter how many times he told her that Skylar was the real deal.

"Your mother needs time. Just give her time," Skylar had always told him before distracting him in a very tantalizing and pleasurable way.

"They won't ever be able to find out anything about her except for where she was born and which schools she went to. I've wiped out everything on the internet about her," Emma reassured in a similar tone. He chuckled, reminding himself to never get on her bad side. "I still get jealous of you, you know."

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