Day 17

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Someone's lips was pressed against hers. Her lips was in contact with someone else's. She felt the similar structure of lips touching hers. She should feel freaked out. She should be scrambling away and probably scream her lungs off because the last time someone had put their lips to hers, they did terrible things to her. 

But this time, she thoroughly enjoyed it. God, she'd never been kissed like this before, not that she had anything to compare this too but seriously.

Her arms reached up and tangled around his thick, strong neck. In an instant, she had pulled away and arched up into his broad chest, moaning in the contact of body heat against her own, before she drew back into his lips. She could feel the slight burn of his taste roll off her tongue and seeped down her throat with every push of his tongue against hers.

She figured she'd never get tired of this, because he'd done this to her so many times and yet they could still drown toddlers in between her crotch each time. Her moan went horrendously loud when his fingers caressed her hips and traveled to the triangle between her crotch. Her lips lifted abruptly, knocking into his erection that caused such delicious after effects in her nerves. He laughed into her lips and pressed harder, pushing her into the mattress and letting her feel his entirety against her thigh.

God, she needed him so much.

By some skillful maneuver, he managed to brace his prick to her entrance, ready to poke through at any stimulation. He detached his lips from hers and she grunted in a disapproval, ready to pull him back but the look in his eyes stopped her. He looked reluctant and slightly terrified, his chin trembling ever so slightly.

They stared at each other for a long moment, thousands of words traveling in the crispy cold air between them. "Are you sure about this?" he finally asked so gently.

She gazed up at him, trying so hard to not drown in his sea blue eyes. She smoothed her hand over his neck and down to his shoulders, then back up to his cheek. She absentmindedly stroked his gorgeous stubble with her thumb and smiled when he leaned into her touch. How could she ever regret such a wonderful man? So she nodded, joined by a reassuring smile.

He mirrored her smile and tilted his head. "Thank you," he whispered.

And then he sank into her, bringing her to the ends of the world again.


"Oh god," Emma groaned when she saw them descending the stairs together. "You guys did it again." Seriously, they weren't even touching. They were just walking down the stairs side by side. "You have that look on your face like you just got laid; both of you," she clarified as if she could read their thoughts.

Skylar rolled her eyes once she reached the bottom of the stairs and left Ethan to head into the kitchen. Honestly, she couldn't handle being near him without wanting to touch him. "Well, you did say you think he's good for me," she said loud enough for the man to hear. She smiled to herself when he made a triumphant noise.

"Traitor!" Emma mock whispered.

She stopped at the entrance to the kitchen and turned around to stick her tongue out at her best friend. "Honesty is another word for it."

"Whatever," the brunette dismissed with a wave. "You're not cooking today. I'm buying breakfast."

"Great!" Ethan instantly exclaimed.

Emma glared at him before muttering, "I miss Aunt Rita's food."

"More than mine?" Skylar gasped, feigning offense as she pressed her palm on top of her chest. "I'm hurt."

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