Day 3

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She held up a finger to his forlorn face with a stern shake of her head.

"But why?" he whined, and then pouted at her.

She was already ready for that pout and she'd built up a strong defense against that pout since last night. And since she didn't know him that well yet, she could and would resist that pout. So she shook her head again and to emphasize her point, she wagged her finger slowly with a determined stare.

He ducked his knees and stood upright again, in a show of childish defiance. "You need muscle."

She looked up, revealing the whites of her eyes. She feigned contemplation on his statement and then looked back to him again. "I've been doing this for years. I'm pretty sure I've got the hang of it," she quipped.

He rolled his eyes and grunted in complain. "Please," he begged, clasping his hands together in a conjoined fist and holding it to his forehead, staring at her.

Skylar groaned and shouldered her bag. "You are on vacation, Ethan. Go do..." She waved her hands in the air, face twisted into an unrecognizable expression as she tried to look for the right words. She dropped them in defeat. "Just go do vacation stuff. Stop disturbing me."

"You know what, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to treat your guest like this," Ethan retorted. "It's like Hospitality 101: always accommodate your guest's needs."

She rolled her eyes with a scoff and sat down in front of the screen door, letting it swing close behind her while she pulled on her boots. When she didn't hear it closed, she paused and turned back to see him propping the door open, having already pulled on his coat and beanie. She cursed under her breath and stood up, one boot on and one boot off.

"You'll thank me!" he exclaimed before she could say anything.

"I'm not delivering fruit baskets or even getting milk. I'm going to do my job. Plus, I only own this cabin and provide food for guests. You can move out if you want. I won't stop you." She dropped back down onto the threshold to continue pulling on her boots. "I'm also pretty sure there are tons of landmarks in Frankton. You can drive the snowmobile to car rental and rent a damn car." She stood up and stepped forward, turning around, ready to give him another lecture but stopped when she saw him doing the same thing she just did two minutes ago. "Oh, come on!"

"Be my guide," he requested. She stared at him as if he had just gone to another level of nuts. "I'm serious, be my guide."

"Excuse you, I am not a guide," she hissed, as if saying that word had burned her tongue.

"I'll pay you," he offered.

She pulled back, glaring up at him. Seriously, what the hell was he? She groaned in disgust and shook her head, turning around to step out the door. She grumbled under her breath, finding the man harder to believe. She wondered how long she would be able to stand him before she actually kicked him out.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" she seethed, pressing - more like stabbing - the key fob of her Jeep with her thumb.

"What's wrong with you being my guide?" he demanded, catching up to her easily.

Refusing to answer his question, she pulled open the door and let Dog in the front passenger seat before sitting behind the wheel herself. The door was almost slammed close when a strong grip stopped it, pulling it open again. Ethan was standing right there, staring at her innocently.

"What?" he said with a shrug.

She clenched her teeth. "It's not you asking me to be your guide. It's you offering me money like I'm some beggar."

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