Ch 17 trapped part 2

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When Kagura woke, the bullet wounds were mostly healed, but she was still unable to move. This time because she was tied up though. She lazily looked around her. She was in a dark little storage room, with only one tiny window. 'Not large enough to escape through' she thought. Nobody could squeeze through that. There were dark and dusty shelves all around her, with sacks of all sorts of junk. The door looked heavily padded, not something she could just kick down. It was titanium. The whole room looked like it used to be part of a foreign ship. She was definitely on land though. Through that tiny window, she could see the tops of buildings from where she was sitting, and as the air didn't smell of seaweed, she wasn't at the docks. She must be in town still. The wrong side though. She tried to break free of the ropes that bound her, and then realized what she had been leaning against,

"Ah! You! I don't have to be your slave now then. You didn't win."

"Huh?" Sougo opened his eyes and blinked. He looked around the room, taking in the same details,

"I would have if their leader hadn't been so reasonable."

"But you lost... I blame you for this you know. Hurry up and get us out of here." She ordered him.

"Huh? I just woke up, be reasonable. You're not my mother; you can't make me get up yet. And my name is 'Okita Sama' not 'you'. Get it right."

"Alright then Okita Sama, your mother just spoke to me on the phone, she says get up you lazy piece of trash."

"Tell mother it's my day off." Sougo replied, not really listening, he searched his pockets for something sharp.

Kagura could not be bothered to come up with a come back for that, it took too much effort. She had the mind of an eleven year old, but she was as moody as two year old without sweets,

"Aha." Sougo exclaimed, as he found a pocketknife in his inside jacket pocket. He swiftly freed himself of the ropes. He got up, and headed for the door. He looked through the little port hole, and saw that they were in an old warehouse, and the gang was sitting round a fire in the middle of the large room, laughing and talking with each other. It was dark in that room too though. A warehouse meant no heating, and no heating meant they were going to get cold,

"Umm... A little help here?" Kagura half pleaded, half demanded. Sougo went back to where she was lying on the floor, still tied up,

"No, your definitely better off tied up."

"You mean you are..."

Sougo just ignored her, and sat down against the wall,

"Ow!" Kagura cried. Her bullet wounds weren't fully healed yet, and the bullets were still inside her.

"What's that?" Sougo hadn't understood her little yelp.

"Ahh!" She cried again, as she began to be more aware of the pain. When you are not fighting, the lack of adrenaline present isn't distracting you from pain. Kagura was learning this now. Sougo realized that these little yelps were of pain, but he thought she was just mucking around,

"Fine I'll untie you, so long as you keep your mouth shut." He walked over to her, drawing his pocketknife, but at that moment, a rush of pain surged through Kagura. Her eyes widened in shock, and she let out a louder cry. These bullets were worse than the ones she had been shot with before. These ones really hurt.

Sougo knelt down beside her and cut her free,

"What's wrong already?" He asked, but then he saw the strange lights coming from her bullet wounds. He lifted Kagura with one arm, so that he could cut one out with the knife. The bullet glowed a sour yellow. There was something very wrong with these bullets. He cut out the other bullets, Kagura wailing quietly every now and then. When they were all out, she relaxed. Most of the pain had gone, only the fresh cuts hurt now, but this pain wouldn't last long.

Sougo pocketed his knife again, and then examined one of the bullets closely. He held it too his eye with his free hand. After several moments of speculation, Sougo's hand throbbed,

"Ahh!" He cried. He dropped the bullet. He shook his wrist, then picked up all the bullets and rolled them into a far corner of the room, where they wouldn't do any damage.

It was grew colder as the night drew closer, and the too fugitives still hadn't got an escape plan. The only thing they could do, was wait, and when someone opened the door, make a run for it. But nobody came. Was the plan to starve them to death?

Kagura Shivered. It felt roughly four degrees. She would freeze over night if this kept up. She wasn't wearing many layers, only the usual Chinese style dress and boots. She let her hair hang loose, and tried to get some sleep on the floor. She shivered again. Sougo watched this performance, and realized how cold he himself was. They both shivered.

It wasn't long before Sougo gave in. Kagura was looking pale, and he was freezing. He got up, and walked over to her. She opened her eyes, as he lay down next to her,

"What are you-" She began. He put his arms around her, and pulled her closer,

"As far as I know, you owe me, so you can be a body warmer." He yawned. This frustrated Kagura. She didn't like his attitude,

"I'm no one's-" She began again, but Sougo was a sadist, and he tightened his grip. He whispered into her ear,

"Please?" He asked. Kagura shivered again, and gave in. She was too tired, and this was a notable improvement.

After about an hour of constant shivering, Kagura felt Sougo sit up. There was a rustling noise, and then she felt him put his jacket around her,

"Stop shivering, it's getting on my nerves." He commanded. Kagura could not be bothered to reply.

It was not long before Kagura was not the one shivering.

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