Ch 19 trapped part4

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Before the door was shut, Sougo let out a loud cry. He had been shot in the back. They locked the door again, and Sougo fell to the floor. He broke the fall with his hands, remembering to close his eyes. Kagura searched his pockets for the knife. She found the bullet, and carefully removed it from him. He would not heal so fast though.

Kagura added the bullet to the pile. Sougo crawled to the wall, and sat up against that. He put one hand on his stomach, and the other on the floor. Kagura walked over to him, she bent down and looked him in the eye. Sougo could see that she was confused,

"I'm just hungry, that's all."

"Eat cockroaches then."

"I can only hope you're joking." He muttered. He pulled her towards him. He put his teeth to her neck, "Maybe I should eat you instead." Kagura blushed again,

"You can't eat me! I won't let you. And I don't taste nice." She pulled a face,

"But I'm hungry..." Sougo frowned. "Tell you what. You find me some food, then I'll bust us out of here." He teased.

Kagura took him seriously though. She stood up, and started looking through all the dust covered bags. Sougo watched as she searched, and eventually got up,

"You won't find any food in there." He sighed. Kagura turned around,

"But if I don't find you and food, then we won't be able to escape." That made Sougo smile, but then he suddenly flung his hand to his chest. He coughed up some blood. The bullet wound was still open. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He looked at Kagura, one eye closed,

"We'll get out of here with or without food." He promised,

"That doesn't sound too believable coming from a cripple." Kagura moaned. Sougo laughed, but that made him cough up more blood. He fell forwards, but Kagura caught him,

"See. You're hopeless." She scolded him, propping him up against the wall again, "Go without food if you're going to be like that."

Sougo wiped away the blood again,

"Yes ma'am." He replied. Kagura sat cross-legged in front of him and glared. This soon turned into a staring contest.

Sougo was the first to blink. The wound was throbbing again. He didn't understand why though, the bullet was long gone,

"Yey I won!" Kagura called, but then she saw his expression. She leaned forward,

"Take a look would you? See if there's anything odd about it? It shouldn't still be hurting like this." Sougo asked her. He turned around ninety degrees, and leaned sideways against the wall. Kagura carefully looked at the wound,

"Is it supposed to be glowing?" She asked,

"No. Please cut out anything that's glowing." He handed her the knife. Kagura flinched at the idea,

"I don't want to..."

"Please? I'll bust us out once it stops hurting, and it will stop hurting once all the glowing stuff is gone." Kagura grimaced, but took the knife.

When everything that glowed was gone, Kagura handed back the knife, then patted him on the back,

"There you go!" She grinned. Sougo coughed, but no blood came this time,

"Thanks." He turned to carefully lay his back against the wall,

"Bust us out now. I did what you asked." Kagura complained,

"Yes... suppose you did. Just give me an hour or so okay?"

"No fair..." She crossed her arms and pouted again - something she did often. Sougo closed his eyes and smiled.

"Hopeless." He muttered,

"Yes you are."

As night drew closer, they both got cold again. Sougo relaxed his legs, and pulled Kagura so that she was sitting on him. He held her around the waist,

"Help me warm up, and I'll definitely get us out of here in the morning." He smiled. Kagura grumbled. She was getting really hungry herself now. She leaned against Sougo's chest and fell asleep.

Next morning, when they were dragged out to be asked if they wanted breakfast, it was beetles this time. The two stood there, fuming,

"You can torture us, shoot us, whatever you want," Sougo started,

"But don't ever," Kagura continued,

"KILL BEETLES!" They both yelled. Sougo drew his knife, and charged at the gang's leader. Kagura grabbed a log from the fire, and used it to fend off the bullets. She waved the fiery stick at them. They moved back, creating a gap in their defense. They ran for it; zig zagging to dodge the bullets. They ran from the warehouse, and around a corner, as fast as they could to the other side of town. After a while of running, the gang was still chasing them. It wasn't far to the Shinsengumi base but they might not make it there in time. Instead, Sougo pointed to someone's garden shed. They ran to it, and he broke the lock with his knife.

They ran inside,

"Lets wait here till we're sure they've gone." Sougo suggested,

"My umbrella..." Kagura groaned,

"What about my sword?"

"That too..."

"We'll get them back, but right now we need to stay hidden." Sougo concluded, and sat down on the floor. After a while, Kagura sat too,

"Okita Sama?"


"Thanks for keeping your promise." As Kagura said this, Sougo put an arm around her. He took her face in his other hand, and tilted his head slightly. He closed his eyes, and pressed his lips against Kagura's. Kagura was surprised, but she did not fight him. She kissed him back, not entirely sure why, but she quite liked this.

A short while later, Sougo broke away from her,

"You were wrong," He said,

"About what?" Kagura was confused again,

"You do taste good." Sougo smiled at her.

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