Ch 23 the cursed sukonbu

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"What the hell, every store ran out of sukonbu" Kagura muttered to herself while walking on the Kabukicho district.

She was depressed, she wanted sukonbu, she NEEDED sukonbu. But unfourtunalty, every shop ran out of sukonbu, and Kagura left unsatisfied. While walking, she noticed a weird old woman, who probably is running a stand. Looking closer, she notcied that in her stand, there is sukonbu! She rushed towards that woman, and pointed at the sukonbu

"Oi old hag! Give me some sukonbu!"

The old woman sighed "Geez, kids now days" she grabbed the sukonbu and handed it out to Kagura "Listen brat, it isnt normal sukonbu. This is a cursed one, and if you will eat it, so the next morning you will found youself as a cat, and only one special person for you, will notice that the cat is actually you. Still want the suknobu?"

Kagura didn't care and grabbed the sukonbu, and as reward she gave the old woman some money she stole from Gintoki.

"I don't belive in this bulshit, anyway, goodbye old hag!" she said as she fading away, with the 'cursed' sukonbu in her mouth

"Just don't blame me later kid"

Kagura woke up, and felt really weird, like she is smaller, and not really herself. She got up and noticed she couldn't walk on her legs normally, moreover, she uses her hands to walk? And since when does she has fur? She rushed to the mirror, and suprisingly she saw herself as an orange cat, with big blue eyes.

NO! No no its can't be! It's a dream! A dream!

Gintoki woke up and saw a cat on his house

"Damn how did it got here?" he said and picked up Kagura "now lets walk you outside"

If this isnt a dream, so all I need to find is the special person and it must be Gin-chan!

"Gin-chan! Its me Kagura!" - "Meow"

"Okay okay kitten" Gintoki opened the door and threw Kagura outside and glared at the cat "Don't, come, again" and he shut the door

Ehhhh? It didn't work? What am I going to do? ...wait! There is Shinpachi too! In this time of the day he should be around the Yorozuya

Kagura looked around, searching for Shinpachi, and fortuantly she found him. She ran to him and hugged his leg

"Megane! It's me! Kagura!"- "Meow"

Shinpachi bent and patted Kagura's head "I'm sorry little kitty, but Gin-san doesn't allow any kittens because of Sadaharu, and Otae isnt likeable with animals" and as he said that he left Kagura alone.

No. Fucking. Way. Who is my special person exactly huh?! Im going to kill that old hag. But first, I need food... Will kids give me food at the park? Worth trying

Stupid kids, everyone single one of them just ignored me! Argh! Im going to stay this way forever am I? so annoying...

The hopeless Kagura looked around her, for a clue to get back on her normal state. But the only thing she found is Sougo lying on the bench, the bench she always meets him and then they fight.

There is no way that the sadist in the special person for me, uh huh just no fricking way. But! I can steal food from him, if he has any at all

She walked towards Sougo, and Sougo noticed her. He thought that the cat looked somewhat familiar to him, and cats with that apperance isnt something you see everyday. Even though his curiousity, he needed to go back to the Shinsegumi or else he is going to commit seppuku. He slacked of from patroling hoping for a fisht with Kagura, but she didn't came this time. He stood up, ready to leave.

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