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Xingqiu stared at the wall in the dimly lit room. His hands folded on the desk with the phone flat in front of him. He aimed the light directly at his face, to give it the complete hard-boiled noir approach. "What's your status, soldier?" he asked the phone. 

"I've yet to make progress on the mission, Sir," the phone spoke back. 

"Brief me on your next plan of action." 

"I plan to take the target out on a movie date and conveniently fall asleep on his shoulder." 

"Excellent, but could be too platonic, step it up a notch." 


"Consider this," Xingqiu waved his hand in the air even though the person on the phone wouldn't be able to see him. He spun around in his office chair and returned to his first position. "You. Target. Movie theater. Sharing a drink with one straw." 

The man on the other side of the phone gasped. 

"But wait, there's more, you lean in to grab the popcorn and instead hold his hand. Blushing, you glance away, pull your hand back, and continue to watch the movie. The target stares at your blushing face, enamored with your beauty, and leans in for a kiss!" 



"You've been writing too much fanfiction again. That's never going to happen." 

"You won't know until you try. Give me status updates, soldier!" And with that, Xingqiu hung up. 

"Qiuqiu?" Chongyun opened the door and turned on the light. "Are you on the phone with Bennett again?" 

"No, I just hung up. Did you need something?" 

"Do you want to play Jenshin Collision?" Chongyun beamed. 

Xingqiu leaned back in his chair and stretched, keeping his hands folded to crack his knuckles. "Absolutely, I was born for this moment," he nodded, standing up. 

"Great!" Chongyun returned to his own room with Xingqiu following behind after shoving his phone in his pocket. Chongyun sat down at his own desk and loaded up Jenshin on his PC. 

"Ehehehe," Xingqiu laughed awkwardly behind his hand and sat down on Chongyun's lap, sprawled out all over him. 

"Eh? Qiuqiu?" 

"Hm?" Xingqiu smiled innocently and loaded up Jenshin on his phone. 

"It'll be hard to reach my keyboard if you're like this." 

"You don't have another chair in your room though," Xingqiu continued smiling. 

"Just..." Chongyun grabbed Xingqiu's torso and pushed him closer so his torso was pressed up against Xingqiu's back (and something else as well, hehe). Chongyun rested his chin on Xingqiu's head and scooted closer to his desk. "That's better." 

"Eh?" Xingqiu blinked, his brain hadn't caught up with what just happened yet. 

"Uhm, Qiuqiu?" 


"Your Daeya is getting struck by lightning repeatedly..." Chongyun pointed to Xingqiu's phone. 


How do I tell my husband I love him? [ChongQiu]Where stories live. Discover now