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Xingqiu cracked his knuckles and downloaded the correct app (for stalking Chongyun's streams on). He made an account...after carefully considering various usernames...and ultimately decided that the best one was: canisuckurpopsicle. Subtle. Nice. Cute. Totally didn't scream that he was super into popsicleman101. Nope. Not at all. 

Chongyun was streaming right now so Xingqiu hopped on in to stalk per Kaeya's recommendation. "Welcome to the stream 'canisuckurpopsicle'!" Chongyun waved at the camera and Xingqiu instantly cursed his very existence for not recording that. 

ifuckinghatekiluc: . . .

theofficialdaeyaslut: HAHAHAHAHAHA

zhildedeservestodie: oh my god...

Xingqiu decided to participate in the chat with A+ conversation skills. 

canisuckurpopsicle: you may absolutely suck my popsicle, popsicleman101 that's what I'm here for

"Haha, thanks but I only take popsicles my husband gives me," Chongyun replied. 

theofficialdaeyaslut: and it got better- 

canisuckurpopsicle: ehhhhhh? ur married? boooo :C

"Yes, I'm married!" Chongyun smiled. "My husband is the most important person in my life." 

Xingqiu spat out his tea all over his phone. "I'm sorry, what?" 

"He is a bit of a bookworm but it's really cute because he just hordes books even though he doesn't have time to read them all so if you walk into his room it's filled with piles of books and sometimes I just want to squish his face but don't tell him I said that because he'd probably get mad-" Chongyun continued to ramble on about his marvelous husband to which Xingqiu spat out more tea. 

"FUCK!" Xingqiu winced as the hot tea splattered all over his clothes. He shut off his phone to avoid tea-damage. He didn't notice when Chongyun opened the door to check on him. He barely paid attention to the fact that Chongyun was stripping his clothes off of him. He only realized, after his brain had finally decided to function, that Chongyun was rubbing his hand all over his hydro-slime-themed boxers. 

"Yunyun!" Xingqiu stumbled backward and Chongyun fell forward, pinning him down to the tea-covered desk. Xingqiu stared up at him startled. Chongyun immediately grabbed his arms and pulled him up off of the desk but that only caused them to stumble and fall onto the ground. Xingqiu was on top of Chongyun and sat up, only to sit directly on top of his crotch. 

"Are you okay, Qiuqiu?" Chongyun asked finally. 

"I've got scalding hot tea on my back and on my dick, I don't think I'm doing great right now," Xingqiu sighed. 

"Ehhh?! Then take off your boxers that has to hurt!" Chongyun sat up and grabbed the hemline of Xingqiu's boxers, to which Xingqiu slapped his hand away and blushed furiously. 

"Didn't anyone ever teach you to ask for consent before touching someone's no-no-zone?!" 

"But...Qiuqiu..." Chongyun tilted his head, a bit confused, "you said I had special permission to touch you wherever and whenever when we were kids." 

"Yunyun," Xingqiu took a deep breath and scooted back to sit on Chongyun's legs. He grabbed his crotch and squeezed. "Do you get it now?" 

"Eh?" Chongyun's cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "That feels a bit..." 

"Exactly so think about it more carefully!" Xingqiu removed his hand. Chongyun grabbed it and placed Xingqiu's hand flat on his chest.

"I don't mind if you touch me, Qiuqiu." 

Xingqiu's heart skipped three beats. He stood up and grabbed a towel, running to the bathroom. "I'mgoingtotakeashowerdon'tbothermebyeeeee!" 

How do I tell my husband I love him? [ChongQiu]Where stories live. Discover now