what she is starting

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When we got to the hospital Landon was just getting out of surgery, it went well, thank god.

One power I wish I had was to heal others. I could only heal myself, my side bruise had healed by the time we got to the hospital.

Everything about me was weird, I could heal faster than anything and that made me wonder what my limits are.

I should stop wondering, I don't want to think about it or it will lead to me testing it out.

I mean I thought it was going to be a good idea to play hero and look where that got me.


The guy ran away.

"I think I see Victoria's car over there, surprised she even came," Asher said, hauling one of the bags out of the back.

I grabbed mom's other bag and hauled it over my shoulder, "Probably just here for a story to report."

Asher nodded quietly not wanting to comment on what I had said. We headed inside, Hayden was waiting for us downstairs and she signaled us to follow her.

She brought us up to Landon's floor and was quiet on the way up. None of us had ever really experienced this before, even Dad never really got hurt, well he did before I was born... well before I lived with them I guess is how I would put it now.

"How bad was it?" Asher asked Hayden.

Bad. But I couldn't say that, instead I just popped my head up to act interested too.

She sighed, "Pretty bad, he got lucky. Tell him he is an idiot for me, yeah? He thought it was a good idea to go in guns a blazing. The guy stabbed him for trying to shoot him."

She didn't say anything about me. Did she not know? Did Landon not say anything yet?

"When will he get to go back to work?" I asked.

"Hopefully sometime next week, but just desk duty. It wasn't a bad stab; he just lost a lot of blood. He should be back to normal soon I guess as long as he does everything right in the next two weeks. Which mom will make sure he is careful." Hayden led the way to the room as we finally were on the right floor.

Hayden opened the door for us to go in and Mom was sitting next to him. Dad was on the other side of the room on the phone talking to someone.

I listened in for a minute and it was just his friends asking about Landon, nothing special. I probably missed out on those important calls.

Landon was laying in the bed asleep and Victoria was on the couch in the room on her phone as well. Hayden took a seat next to her and was trying to peek at what she was doing.

Asher and I handed mom her bags and she sat them on the floor.

While they were all busy doing their own things I went to the bathroom in the room and smeared the makeup off my neck as it already healed.

My hands were shaky and I let my power flow through my veins, I realized now that I have them I can't keep them stored deep down forever. I have to let it flow out to make more room.

It was a weird feeling and the glow in my veins returned and I took a breath for once.

The pain was gone thanks to everything healing but I was still going back to it all.

He was obviously the guy that they were worried about but why was he robbing a bank? Why wouldn't he do something bigger... unless he needed the cash but I don't think so.

My gut is telling me otherwise. I am going to meddle the best I can.

Why do I make everything that isn't my problem into my problem? Something else I need to work on I guess.

Unspoken Power (Unspoken Trilogy #1)Where stories live. Discover now