55 Who died?

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" Alex..?"

In the living room, Alex stood with his head down tugging at his fingers, he nervously steeped from one foot to another. I looked towards the sofa to find him sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, his expression cold and hard glaring at Alex. 

The whole scene looked like a mischievous student standing in front of grumpy principal after getting  caught red-handed. Huh?

" Will you open your mouth and speak up?" Ethan  hard and calm voice broke the silence, his voice unually calm, I felt Alex flinch under his tone. Alex looked as if he was on the verge of crying, he even sniffed in between.

Wait, is he crying?

I looked carefully at his face, there were tears falling down his cheeks. My eyes widened in horror, Alex was crying?

" Ethan, what in the world did you do to him?" I shouted walking towards them, they both looked at me. When Alex lifted his eyes to look at me that's when I realized that he has been crying for real, his eyes were red almost bloodshot and his nose has turned red too.

" Alex what's wrong?" I asked concerned at his unusual self, I have never seen him like this  he always has a smile on his face making people around him happy just by looking at him.

" Wait, is he crying? " Ethan looked alaramed as well.

" News flash, he is crying" I sarcastically answered glaring at him," What the hell did you do? Did you hit him?"

" What? I did nothing. I just asked him that why was he here at this hour." Ethan defended," He has been standing there with his head bowed since the moment he entered."

" You did nothing, huh? Then why the hell is he in this condition?" I asked pointing at Alex.

" Fuck...I swear, I just asked him"

" You..."

" It is not h_his fault." Alex whispered cutting me off, his voice was nasal due to crying. 

Damnit...why do I feel like we are bullying a kid.

" What's wrong, Alex? You can tell me, did Ethan say something to you?" I asked softly as if speaking to a terrified child. 

Alex shook his head," He didn't"

" Brother, what's wrong? " Ethan stepped forward beside Alex placing his hand on Alex' shouder," Did something go wrong in business? But how come something went wrong, the KGT project has been launched successfully and is bringing a lot of profit to the company. " he frowned.

I could smell alcohol from Alex, he might have been drinking. Something really big might have happened otherwise Alex won't cry. Did something go wrong in his family? What might have happened?

" Bro, you can tell me. Whatever it is we can solve it." Ethan said making him sit down on the couch and handing him a glass of water.

" I_I..." Alex stuttered taking a gulp of water. 

We tried to make him speak, but to no avial he did not speak up. He sat with his  head in his hands bowing down, he looked defeated as if he has given up on his life, as if he had nothing to live for. Even I felt depressed looking at him. When a cheerful and happy person suddenly turns into a lifeless doll it is shocking.

" How about we call Ian and others, maybe he will open up in front of them?" I asked Ethan, we stood at a corner far away from him where he could not hear us.

" We have no other choice but to call them" Ethan sighed running fingers through his hair messing. I couldn't help but notice his biceps flexing due to his movement. No, focus Daisy, I shook my head.


" Who died? " Jenna burst through the door, she looked around the house as if searching for a potential dead body. Ian entered after her, did they come together? We did not call Laila and Ashton, they are on a trip to Laila's grandparents somewhere.

" Hey, what's wrong with Alex?" Jenna asked me and Ethan. We stood a little far away from where Alex was sitting still in the same position, his whole being looked depressed.

" We don't know he is not speaking at all" I said looking Alex with concern,

" I haven't seen him like since his girlfriend cheated on him at the prom in highschool. Something might have really gone wrong." Jenna says.

" Let's go check on him" Ian said walking towards him we all following behind him.

" Hey Alex, did your step-grandmother's niece's husband's sisters dautghter who used to trouble you finally die. Are you  sad because of that" Jenna spoke taking a seat beside him, she tried to lighten up his mood but he did not even life his head to look at her.

" Come on speak up buddy, if you won't tell how are we gonna know it." Ian confronted," We can solve whatever it is."

" Yeah you don't need to keep everything bottled up within you. We are your friends , no matter what it is we can definitely over come it." Jenna nodded," You don't need to face it alone, we are here for you, you can tell us."

" If you don't want to talk about  its okay, we won't judge you. Guys I think we shouldn't force him when he doesn't wants to talk about it." I said looking at all of them.

" No, I want to speak" Alex lifted his head looking all of us. Me and Jenna were at the both the sides of him while Ian and Ethan were standing before us.

We kept silent to let him speak.

" I_I don't know where to start." Alex sighed messing his hair by running his fingers through them," There was a girl who I have a liked on"

" Was a girl? Don't tell me she died?" Jenna interrupted widening her eyes in horror receiving a glare from all of us," What I am just asking" she muttered shrinking her neck under our gazes.

" You continue." I nodded at Alex.

" So there is a girl whom I like.  She has  straight long blonde hair which are slightly wavy at the ends, has long legs, small pointed nose and kissable lips. She is a natural beauty, there is a mole on her lip.."

" Hey come to the point why are you giving all this shit" Jenna interrupted. I looked at Ethan to see his reaction on the mention of a a girl, he looked calm and there was sense of boredom in the surface of his eyes.

" Okay I like her for almost two month, I was going to ask her out today. But who would have thought.." Alex paused, his tone becoming heavier as if he was controlling himself from crying.

" Who would have thought what? Continue, continue, we don't need all the background effect to create the atmosphere. I am dying out of curiosity." Jenna impatiently said receiving an eye roll from Ian.

" Who would have thought that when I went to her home to meet her, I would walk into....walk into..." there was a long silence, the atmosphere turning tensed I and Jenna held our breathes preparing for his next sentence.

" Did you run into a homicide, did she kill someone and tried to hide the body in there?" Jenna asked clamping her hands together looking at him without blinking.

" I can't say it.." 

" Come on say it, don't keep me hanging, all the cells in my body are anxious." Jenna urged.

" There were two more girls in her home, they...they.."

" You fucker, will you say it or not, I'm dying out of curiosity"

" They were doing threesome, she turned out to be a lesbian."

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