70. Drunk Dazed

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Third person pov

In the dim light of the night club, the music was deafning loud. Young bodies were seen swaying against each other, grinding and some were making out at the corner of the club.

In the room at the back of the club where only VIP's were allowed, one could see a deep shadow falling into the room. Once harmonious atmosphere has now turned completely into deadly silence, as if a small whisper could bring a storm.

Even Jenna and Alex who would not stop talking no matter what, now had sat up straight without a sound, on a closer inspection one could see a thin layer of sweat forming on their foreheads.

" I think.. umm... I provoked her t.. too much" Jenna low whispered making sure not the disturb the man's gaze as he looked deeply on the dance floor, where the red figure was swaying closely with Micah Agnor .

Ethan's unbothered eyes, which showed no emotion whatsoever, had a fire in them as if at any moment now the flames in them would devour anyone in sight. There was faint smile on his lips, but it was like a deadly flower, it was anything but beautiful.

" I told you it was a bad idea" Alex rolled his eyes at Jenna . If not for her lying to Daisy about Suzzaine being Ethan's friend rather than his cousin sister, would all this happen? Wasn't this Jenna stupid to play with fire?

Not only did she dig a pit for herself but also for all the others. See now how they all are stuck in its aftermath.

" B..But I was just trying to make her jealous. I had all the good intentions. ", Jenna rightfully said. She was just trying to help okay. Who knew that Daisy will walk away and go dance with her rival instead . She really didn't expect such a big reaction from Daisy, who knew that she would instead be thrown into the pit she had dug for Daisy.

If she knew it she wouldn't have even dared to do so.

Meanwhile the one who was reason to all this , was dancing with Micah on the floor. When Micah had asked for the dance she had refused but after carefully thinking , obviously she was drunk so it was not careful thinking she just wanted to forget all about Ethan and at the same time she wanted to make him jealous as well. She knew her attempts were futile though, she has seen how he treated her, she knew he didn't care about her. There was a clear difference in the way he treated her and his so called friend.

So here she was dancing with Micah , almost falling on him while dancing .

" Do you really think you could get a reaction out of him like this?" Micah whispered in her ear, his hand was on her waist keeping her closer to him.

" Huh?" Daisy asked, how did he know about it ? That was the only thought in her dazed mind.

" What? You really thought I would not know anything about why you agreed to dance with me ?" he whispered into her ear. He was well aware of her eyes which were on the cabin , where all her friends were, he also knew that Ethan King was here as well. Well it was a different case that he was here to meet Ethan, they were friends afterall.

" Little pepper, if you want to make him jealous atleast be a little more genuine. Do you really think just by dancing you would be able to make him jealous just with this?"

" What else do you want me to do then? Sleep with you? Marry you?"

" What? Do you really think I'm so cheap to take advantage of you? I'm a decent man afterall? I don't take advantage of poor little girls okay. I abide by rules." He said, creating some distance between them , still keeping his hands on her waist. If not for her being that grumpy man's woman, Micah would really like to marry her himself , sleeping would also do, hehe..

" Yeah ofcourse , very much decent", Daisy rolled her eyes," what else do you expect me to do?"

" Just do as I say." Micah winked.

"You better not .."

" Yeah yeah I wont cross my limits, I promise" Micah interrupted.

" Okay fine" , she didn't knew that she will regret this later on.

" Okay, put your hands around my shoulder", he said and took her hands and placed them around his neck, then he moved closer to her, just a few inches away from her face, their noses almost touching.

Daisy felt a little uncomfortable but still endure. Whether it was her drunk state or not, she wanted to take a final bait. Just the last one. Just the last ...

Micah pulled her closer by her waist and his hand slowly moved through the length of her back making her shudder. His face moved closer to her, just before she was ready to push him away, Micah was pulled away from her and pushed down to the ground with a heavy punch.

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