72. Found her.....

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Something gotta be vibrating......ugh......phone...

I sleepily searched for my phone, I was laying face-down on the bed. Finally I touched the cellphone and brought it to my ears keeping my eyes closed.

"H-Hello...?", I asked in hoarse voice. This better be important, do they know how important sleep is for a young woman....

"Good morning Miss. Knight. We found it" Alice voice sounded through the phone, her usual monotone voice had an edge to it, "Your guess was right, it was her"

I opened my eyes wide and sat up straight on the bed, all my sleepiness vanished in an instant. I knew it ....I knew it, it had to be her.

"Are you sure?" I asked, anger rushed through me.

"It has been confirmed ma'am, it was a set up. And she was the one who did it." Alice confirmed.

"Send me the location."

After hanging up I registered that I wasn't inside my own room. I looked around, it looked like an hotel. 

Ugh... my head hurt like hell. 

I held my head and tried to remember about last night, finally it dawned to me  going to club encountering Ethan and others, drinking and agreeing to dance with Micah, I couldn't remember anything after that.

I vaguely remembered talking to Ethan, but that the heck did I talk to him?????

Shit did I tell him anything inappropriate? Damn.... Why the heck can't I remember???

Leave it I had more important things to do right now. I tied my hair into a low bun and walked to the door taking my cellphone.

 Before I could even open the door it was opened from outside.

"Going somewhere?", I gaped as Ethan walked into the room, he had a small bag in his hand.

The first thought which came inside my head was ....is he here to ask me about yesterday??

Did I screw up really bad last night?

Calm down...calm down Daisy. You didn't do it if you don't admit it. Just tell him you were drunk last night...it's okay it's okay.

I calmed down and looked at him, " Did-Did you bring me here last night?

" Yes" he answered, his eyes flickered with some kind of emotion ..which I could not understand. Is he thinking about how to deal with me?

" I have.." he started but I cut him off.

" About- about last night did I-I say something?" , that I shouldn't have said?

I could see his eyes change, his already blue eyes turned into a dark shade of dark, and I gulped as he took a step towards me.

I'm screwed...

" I didn't mean to say it at all... it was all a lie." I hurriedly said, who was I joking with. My life was more important, alright. God forbid, what if he decides to deal with me here itself.

He stiffened, his face turned cold, maybe I was mistaken but I could see him shocked, hurt and in despair. "You..."

" I'm telling the truth, it was a mistake last night. I didn't mean it at all. I was intoxicated."

"Mistake? "

" Yes yes yes..it was definitely a mistake. Please don't take it to your heart. I'm really sorry." I hurriedly nodded without thinking, what was with his expression?

It was best to apologize, yeah good to apologize.  Atleast I'll be saved.


" I'll be going I have other things to do. Thank you bringing me here. I'll get going." I walked around him and ran out of the door as soon as possible. Thank god I didn't give him chance to speak. I wouldn't have been able to face him. 

I walked out of the hotel and took a taxi to home. My phone buzzed , Alice had send me a message. It was a address of some cafe.  And she had some videos and photos . 

They were from years ago, at our graduation. I could see a figure sneaking into a room with something inside her hand and placing it inside a bag. If I wasn't thought manners from childhood I would have cursed here itself like a shrew.

There were some more information that Alice had send.

Once I reached home , I freshened up and applied some light makeup and took my car to go the location which Alice had send.

I was thinking about how to deal with it. For all these years, I had suffered , and now I had known the reason to it. If not for her things might have turned out to be different. I would have been different. Maybe the relation between me and my parents would have different. The friendship with my friends might have been different. And lastly there was a chance that relation between me and Ethan would've been different.

I walked into the cafe, it was and high-end cafe. I had checked, it belo nged to some second generation rich heir. So everything here was lavishly designed. I took a seat beside a glass window from where all the things going inside could be seen.

I placed my phone on the table and looked around, searching for a figure. 

Finally I saw her, dressed in a short brown skirt which barely reached her mid-thigh, and she had a white shirt on whose top buttons were open showing off her cleavage. I watched as she bent to served coffee, purposely showing more of her cleavage. The guy whom she was serving looked into his mid thirties and the way he dressed I was sure he was rich. 

Might be my gaze too probing that she finally looked at me, I could see eyes widen. Shock, hate, regret all kind of emotions could be seen on her face.

She was the same... same Emma Smith. 

I smirked as she walked towards me, let' begin the show.

Hey sweethearts,

There's a good show ahead, wait for it. I hope you are enjoying the book so far. What do you think that Emma is here for? Any wild guesses?

  I will feel good if you could comment your thoughts on the book or the ongoing plot. 


Love you ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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