75. I tried

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I opened my eyes and what came into view was a white ceiling. There was a faint scent of alcohol into the air, making me realize that was in the hospital...again. The last thing I remember was colliding my head with the steering wheel when I was on my way to Ethan's office. 

I looked around, there was no one in the room. God knows how long I was out for. I looked out of the window, it was still day time. I guessed it was afternoon.

Damn...I need to find him and talk to him. 

I started to sit up to go find Ethan, I felt a slight headache. Maybe I had a concussion. 

" Careful", I was startled when Ethan suddenly walked through the door and came beside me to help me up while placing a cushion behind my back.

I sighed in relief looking at him he was the same. It means I'm not in coma like last time. It means I'm still in the present.

"What..." before I could complete my sentence he handed me the glass of water.  I looked at him, but avoided looking at him.

 His face was cold, and jaws clenched. He looked tired, and at the same time annoyed. His hands were clenched into tight fists as if he was controlling himself from lashing out.

I frowned, why was he angry?

" Drink water, I'll look for the doctor", he walked out . He didn't even give me the chance to talk to him.

I took few sips and placed the glass on the table beside the bed and leaned back. I'll talk to him when he comes back. I can't wait any longer. It been too long already.

I was deep into my thoughts when the door was suddenly burst open revealing Jenna, Alex, Ian and the others.

" Oh my god Daisy, are you out of your mind." Jenna said as they all walked in.

" What?" I asked.

" You are seriously asking me this? "she raised her eyebrow at me clearly annoyed. What's with everyone getting angry with me? I looked at the others , Ian and Ashton  took a seat on sofa which was in the corner. While Alex leaned on the wall beside them. Laila was standing beside me while Jenna sat on the stool.

Are these guys on the picnic?

" I was thinking how about we permanently book a room for you here in the hospital. It could save a lot of time each time going through the procedures. "  Alex said smiling mischievously  while wiggling his eyebrows at me.

" Have you gone nuts Daisy? This is the second you are at the hospital due to accident. God knows which crackhead gave you the driving license." Jenna scoffed. 

" What kind of grudge do you have with those beautiful nurses that they have to go through this? Do you know how afraid they were, it was as if they were facing the death god when they stood in front of Ethan. " Alex said shaking his head in pity.

" How are you feeling, Daisy?" Laila softly asked . Finally a sane person.

" It's just slight headache, nothing else." I assured her smiling, she smiled back nodding her head.

" Thank god you woke up just in time, or else Ethan would have flipped the whole hospital upside down." Jenna shivered shaking her head.

" Ethan he..." I was interrupted when Ethan came in with some doctors following.

The doctor checked me and asked some questions, before informing that I had a slight concussion and there was nothing to worry about. I would be discharged tomorrow morning. After the doctor went I wanted to talk to Ethan but could not as others were present. I looked at him as he was sitting on the sofa with Ian and Ashton. 

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