67 Presumptuous.

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After a week of staying in the hospital, Daisy finally was sent home after all the necessary examinations.

Mrs. Knight, insisted on taking Daisy home for a  couple of days, to which she agreed. As much as Daisy felt that her mom was making a fuss by constantly being cautious about Daisy's health she accepted each and every request and care offered by her parents for almost half a week before she returned to her own penthouse in the opposite side of the city.

Her friends regularly visited to spend time with her and help her relieve boredom, each time they visited they made her forget all her worries and bring her joy for a moment of time. 

The only disappointment she felt was when she waited for him to arrive but could not find him. She missed him a lot than she had imagined. 

At first she thought maybe the feelings might fade away with the due course of time, but, instead it kept increasing and increasing beyond measure, every time she closed her eyes she found him appearing in her mind with a beautiful smile on his handsome face and his stunning blue eyes which contained laughter.

It became almost impossible for her to wait any longer to meet him, these two weeks felt like two years to her. Time is relative, she thought. When she was with him it went too fast and without him it felt like centuries have passed and she haven't seen him yet.

Daisy has always been a person who would strive harder to gain what she wants, if she couldn't get it in the first attempt she'd try it for a hundred more times until she finally gained what she wants.

So, instead of spending time mourning for her misfortune, she decided to attack. She couldn't give up on him, she just can't and she won't.

When Daisy returned back to her penthouse she busied herself trying to find a reason to meet Ethan and try to know about his feelings about her.

And it came as a pleasant surprise when she found out that the investors of the California project which were Kings. She felt it was same as that of her dream, perhaps she might have known or heard about it before that was why could dream about it.

So when the opportunity landed in her front of her she decided to impose upon and use it for her gain. There couldn't be anymore better reason to meet him.

Daisy once again stood in front of 'Kings & CO.' but this time there was no dislike but nervousness and anticipation for their first meeting after such a long time. 

She smoothened her suit pants which were already without any creases taking a deep breathe and walked into the building in her white trouser suit, golden heels and a high pony tail. 

As she walked into the main lobby followed by her assistant Alice, all the eyes once again turned to her. Their eyes contained curiosity, admiration and awe.

"Hello, we are here to meet Mr. King." Alice said to the receptionist who was sneaking glances at Daisy and her, " Can you please inform him that Miss...."

" Miss. Daisy Knight." the receptionist interrupted, her eyes shining like a kid which was hard to hide.

" Right, can you please inform ..." Alice started only to be interrupted again.

" Yes, yes, of course.  Welcome, Miss. Knight and Miss. Alice, this way please."  the receptionist said while keeping the handset down and walked them towards the CEO's elevator.

" Have I been here before?" Daisy asked when they entered the elevator, she noticed that all the people in the company held admiration for her in their eyes, as far as she could remember there hasn't been a time when she visited the Kings. 

Then who come this people respect her?

" No, this is your first time here Miss. Knight. But, almost everyone in the office knows you." the cheerful receptionist replied in a lackey tone as if she were talking to her boss.

" I think they treat everyone like this." Alice whispered loudly, not only Daisy but also the receptionist heard her.

" No, we don't treat everyone like this , but, Miss. Knight is not like everyone else." the receptionist replied walking them out of the elevator on the 30th floor.

"Of course." Alice agreed, with a proud expression and Daisy was damn sure that there was hint of gloating in her voice.

The receptionist knocked on the office door before entering," Sir, Miss. Knight is here." 

Daisy heard a sound of something falling down as soon as the receptionist's voice fell down, probably a file or something.

Not a long after they walked into the office, the interior of the office was simple and cold with black, white and brown colors.

It was large room with a big sofa in the middle and two chairs placed adjacent to it and a tea table placed between them. At the right was a floor to ceiling window through which the city was being displayed.

" Why are you here?" low and alluring voice which Daisy has been yearning to hear echoed from the opposite side of room.

Ethan stood on the podium leaning his back against the desk with his arms folded and legs crossed, his tall figure looked as magnetic as she could remember, same blue eyes, chiseled jaw, straight pointed nose and lean muscular body, if not for the indifference which was practically radiating from his eyes, she would have hugged him right then and there.

Standing in front of him Daisy realized how much she missed him, how much she yearns for him and how much she needs him.

 He had become an chronic part in her life, no matter how much she tries to keep his thoughts at bay it wouldn't help. 

"I -I am here..." Daisy stuttered looking at his familiar blue eyes," Umm.. Oh yeah I am here for discuss about the- the California project, right the California project?"

Daisy mentally cursed herself for appearing confused and dazed. 

" Is that so ?" Ethan raised an brow at looking at her from top to bottom. 

Just to impress him Daisy wore the best business suit she could find and most high heel she could find in her wardrobe. 

She admits that she looked too professional and sexy, but he shouldn't judge her for that, right?

Daisy tried not to shy away from his gaze and held her ground firm in front of him, because someone told her that men like confident and bold girls.

Someone being Jenna of course. Jenna has way more experience in chasing guys that her.

" Or what?" Daisy held her head high and asked back, " Did you think I'm here just to meet you? Or that I'm dying to see you and couldn't help myself from coming into your company?"

Fuck..... Way to go Daisy! 

Is this how you interact with the person whom you're trying to woo?

Goddamn bitch!

It would be good enough if he doesn't throw you out of his company.

Ethan smiled his eyes turning colder than that of  Antarctic Ocean," It's good to know that people who hit their head in a car accident can turn into a presumptuous person. Admirable, isn't it?"

Alice standing behind Daisy pressed her lips tightly trying not to laugh at her bosses stupefied state.

This was the first time she has ever seen Daisy behaving so uncharacteristically. It was as if her boss has finally turned into a human from a working machine.

Happy reading guys, thanks for your support and love for the book. I love you!

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