Author's Note

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[Currently Rewriting]

Hello Readers!

Welcome to the story!

This was the first ever fanfiction I published on this site and will always remain the most special to me.

This story was born out of my desperate need to read a Yuta fanfiction but not finding anything that I liked so I decided to write one myself, and here we are!

I hope you have fun reading because I definitely had a lot of fun writing this :D

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'This girl will bring your company luck and fortune matched by none. Her soulmate is in this company. Have her marry her soulmate', the fortune-teller says giving clues to find the girl's soulmate in the company.

All clues point to a member of NCT127.

And so, Han Jina is set to live with the members for 6 months to find her soulmate.

When everyone seems to accept Jina, Yuta remains sceptical and hates everything about this deal. Yuta and Jina seem to hate each other and definitely don't want to be near each other.

But little do they know what fates have in store for them. However, it won't be easy as the path will involve some heartbreak and confusion along the way.

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