05 | Your Order, Our Command

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It's been a week since Min-hyuk told Jina and the members about the individual dates. The members and Jina took this time to know each other better and they helped her settle in comfortably and helped her adjust in any way they could. Jina spent her time getting to know everyone better and worked on editing her novel.

It was 4:45 am when Jina woke up. Rain was falling softly on the rain roof and through the window on the other side of the room, Jina could see the leaves swaying in the wind. The hours before dawn had never looked so beautiful.

'Yuta was right, it does look beautiful when it rains,' she thought.

She quickly went to Doyoung's room, who was still sleeping with his alarm blaring off. And soon an equally sleepy Jungwoo entered the room and pulled the blanket from on top of Doyoung and shouted in a voice loud enough to wake everyone up in the house.

Jina, Doyoung and Jungwoo had been waking up at this time every day to watch a new series they had started together. And they just had to watch the episode as soon as it is released.

Doyoung was up now and running towards the living room as he saw the time on his phone. 'Why didn't you wake me up?'

'We have been trying for a while you know,' Jina said and they all settled down on the couches in front of the TV.

An hour and a half later, the ending credits of the episode were rolling in. The three of them looked at each other and had absolutely no idea what they had just watched. Each of them sitting on one of the three sofas around the TV, turned to one side and fell asleep at once.


'Guys, wake up', Jina heard someone calling.

'Guys, we are deciding the order of the dates, wake up,' Taeyong said.

Doyoung and Jungwoo were up and the three of them met the other members already seated around them on the couches and the floor.

Once Taeyong was sure everybody was awake he started, 'So, how are we going to do this?'

'Do we need to decide the order? Just go on a date whenever you want to', Jaehyun said stretching his arms and yawning.

'No. I want an order', Haechan interjected.

'Let's just do it, Jaehyun', Taeyong said to him.

'Ah fine. Okay then, how are we deciding?' he asked.

Jina noticed that Yuta was not present. She was looking around when Johnny said, 'He'll join us later.'

Even though Jina smiled and turned her head around, she was still disappointed that Yuta was not here.

Eager to remove these thoughts and join the conversation, Jina suggested, 'How about in the order of age?'

And at once everyone erupted.

'I'm not following Jaehyun,' Winwin said. Jaehyun smiled a bit and ran his hand through his hair.

'I don't want to go last', Haechan said shaking his head in vehement protest.

'Our date will be amazing whenever', Doyoung said smirking at Jina.

'I am not going right after Johnny', Taeyong said.

'I don't mind going first,' Johnny shurgged.'

'Of course you don't, hyung', Mark said almost whining.

'Ah I see, bad idea,' Jina said.

'How about a game then to decide?' Jina suggested.

'Yeah, that will be better,' Mark said in agreement, 'But, what game?'

'Oh! Oh! I know', Jungwoo was shouting excitedly.

'What are you guys doing?', Yuta had just entered the living room and looked confused.

'We are deciding the order in which we'll go on a date with Jina,' Taeyong informed him.

Yuta's stance changed visibly upon hearing this, from calm to irritated.

'Please leave me out of this', he said at once.

'But Yuta, we all should,' Johnny said trying to convince him.

'I don't want to,' Yuta said and went across the room to the kitchen to make himself breakfast.

To break the uneasy silence, Taeyong spoke, 'Jungwoo, what were you saying?'

'Ah, yes, uh...', he looked around nervously and towards the kitchen where Yuta was heating oil in a pan.

'It's okay, let him be', Taeyong said and asked him to continue.

This is all Jungwoo needed to tell everyone about the game he was thinking about.

'So, one of us is going to hold a number behind our back and Jina will say a name for that number and that person will go on a date according to the number,' he explained.

'Ohhh, so one to nine numbers and-,' Mark was cut off by Yuta, who spoke from the kitchen, 'No, only one to eight.'

Mark looked uncomfortably around and so Johnny took over, 'Yes, one to eight and let's say I am holding 2 behind my back and Jina says Jaehyun, so Jaehyun goes second.'

'Ah okay okay understood', Taeyong said.

'I'll hold the numbers', Jungwoo said and got up and sat in front of Jina.

'Then I'll check that Jungwoo hyung is not cheating,' Haechan said and sat behind Jungwoo.

Jungwoo put both his hands behind his back and held eight fingers.

'Say a name, Jina,' he said.

In an attempt to cheat, Haechan looked at the number and held up eight fingers to Jina. She smiled and wanting to have a little fun said, 'Haechan.'

'NOOOOOOO', everyone heard Haechan's ear piercing scream and laughed.

Jungwoo revealed the fingers from behind his back oblivious to Haechan's attempt at cheating.

'Who told you to cheat, huh?', Mark said to Haechan, laughing uncontrollably.

'I don't want to go last', Haechan was now on the floor, whining.

'I like her', Jaehyun whispered to Johnny and they both laughed.

The rest of the game went by without any cheating and Haechan sunk more into the floor with each number.

Doyoung was writing down the order and when the last number was over, he announced, 'This is the final order for the dates, Winwin, then me, Jaehyun, Johnny hyung, Jungwoo, Taeyong hyung, Mark and...', he looked at Haechan who was curled up on the floor and smiled, 'the last is Haechan.'

Everybody got up and left, satisfied with the order, leaving Haechan on the floor, now looking up at the ceiling trying to accept what had just happened. Doyoung came back and put a blanket on Haechan and left him there.

Jina passed the kitchen where Yuta was still cooking. She stopped for a moment trying to form a sentence in her head to say something. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say. Did she want to ask Yuta to join everyone or reply back to his harsh comments. She wasn't sure.

Yuta was seeing Jina through the corner of his eye but didn't say anything. They both stood still for a moment together. She turned around to look at Yuta cooking and Yuta looked up at her. The brown eyes he had seen the first time she had walked into the meeting room held his gaze this time too.

He shrugged this feeling away and continued stirring the pan and this was Jina's clue to walk past the kitchen. He followed her through the corner of his eye and when she left, he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

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