Chapter 2: A new life

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Ok I would like to thank u guys for getting us to 15 reads in like a week? I didn't expect so much:O Thanks anyways!

Ok so enjoy chapter 2!!


Chapter 2- A new life

**2 months later**


The divorce papers were signed already. I can't believe everything would have to end this quick.... The house is Dad's so mum and I have to move out. Right now, I'm packing my bags and getting ready to move.

Actually what mum did... I think is right.... Do you know for the past 2 months, dad brought home his woman everyday while Mum's still here? He pretends we don't exist and continue doing whatever he wants. Mum cries every day and she moved in with me into my room cause she doesn't wanna see a certain someone.

"Cody... Are you ready to go?" I heard my mum called out for me.

"Yea just a sec mum!" I replied. Once I was done, I took my baggage and helped my mum take hers.

As we walked towards the door, it opened and my dad together with his woman walked in. She was wearing a slutty dress again. Urgh!

"So.... Victoria (Cody's mum name). Leaving so soon huh? Aw that's sad... Ashley and I were just getting started... Right Ashley?" He said as kissed that woman on the lips.

Anger boiled up in me. At that moment, I almost felt like bursting at them but mum grabbed my hand and squeeze it.

She smiled and said "We won't get in your way" she pull me and we headed out but my dad stopped us.

"See you next time...son" he said to me. I rolled my eyes and we quickly got out of that hell place.

"Mum you alright?" I asked. She smiled at me and nodded. We're gonna stay in a hotel for a while until we find a house.

**At the hotel, 8pm**

~Victoria: Cody's mum~

After we settled in, I told Cody that I was going out. I went out not knowing where I was going until I stopped on front of a pub that says 'Passion bar'

I figured that I should just go in and get a drink. I walked in and blaring music deafened my ears. Many people were dancing and drinking. Some were practically grinding against each other. I squeeze through the crowd and to the bar.

"One whiskey" I ordered. The bartender then went to get my drink. I drank cups after cups. After drinking about 6 cups? I felt dizzy but still ordered more. I wanted to get Thomas and that slut out of my head.

Then suddenly I heard shuffling of the chair next to me and a guy saying "Hey beautiful"

At first I ignored him. I mean who would wanna hit on a 30 over year old woman. Okay I admit that I still have my young and sexy look but.... I'm old... "Why so glum?"he asked.

"None of your business"

"Relationship troubles?"

I faked laugh first and then said "I don't even have a relationship"

"Ahh.... So I was right. It's ok, I understand"

"How would you? It's not like your wife is cheating on you and you guys are divorced" I said sarcastically.

"Well... My wife didn't cheat on me but we divorced cause we couldn't get along"

"Oh... I'm sorry"

"Don't be... Don't be too upset, you'll have wrinkles when you're young"

"I'm not young. I'm 38."

"And I'm 42"

"Really? You don't look like one"

"Same to you"

We talked for awhile and exchange numbers. I peered at my watch. 2.16am. Ok I better get home or else Cody will get worried.


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