Noticed by You || Albedo

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Albedo x GN Reader

Category: Fluff

Modern AU


You sat there staring at the blond male. You've had a crush on him for a long time now, but him being one of your closest friends, you couldn't confess. Two other reasons you couldn't confess was 1. Because you were to scared, and 2. Because you were almost sure he had a crush on Sucrose.

The way he looked at her and smiled, the way he seemed so interested while talking to her, it all made you envy her ever so much. So much that when they were together you let them be. You were way to scared to say anything though, you felt that you had no right to try and take Albedo away from Sucrose.

You and Sucrose didn't get along to well either way. You had a hard time hearing her really soft voice and whenever you tried to joke around with her or tease her a little he gave you a look like you might have hurt her feelings, making you feel really bad. So you never really hung out with Sucrose, but you didn't dislike her, you were just really jealous of her.

As you were staring at the boy he looked over to you, " You ok? " He rested his head on the palm of his hand while looking into you e/c eyes. You looked right back into his beautiful bright blue eyes and lost yourself for a second, then you lowered your head still staring into each other's eyes. 

He started to slightly turn his head wearing the smallest smile, " You know, staring is rude~ " He smirked a little at you. a tint pink spread across your cheeks as you rested your head in your arms and turned to the teacher. 

" Come on, you know I was kidding. " He also rested his head in his arms while facing you. You just lowered your head more, thinking about how cute he looked. It was unfair how he looked at you like that, those beautiful blue eyes, his smug but hot smirk, and just the way his blond hair sits perfectly and fits perfectly with him made you go crazy. How long could you pretend not to like him if you were practically fan girling over him almost all the time?

" Albedo, I have to tell you something... " You said quietly so no one else would hear you. " I'm all ears. " He leaned a little closer to help him hear you better. You took in a deep breathe to calm yourself down a little, you just couldn't hold it in any longer. " I like you. " The bell rang just as you finished your statement. Out of embarrassment you quickly  gathered your things and started to exit the room hoping he didn't hear you.

" W-Wait-! " At first he was sitting there dumbfounded, not understanding the situation. Then you felt a small tug on your wrist, It was enough to stop you but you could tell he had no intention of hurting you. You were close to crying, you knew he was going to reject you, you could feel it. " I know Albedo. It's Sucrose..! I see the way you look when you talk to her! A-And the way you seem so invested to the conversations you have with her! A-And-! " You were cut off by someones finger being placed on your lips signaling you to sh. 

" I look that way... And feel invested in the conversations with her because...Because.... " You turned away looking a bit embarrassed to say this to you. " Because, they're usually about...You. I only smile like that when I talk to her about you... " He started to pull you closer to him, he couldn't stop himself. " Please, forgive me... " 

No one else was in the room. Just you, and Albedo. He pulled you closer and kissed your lips. He couldn't hold himself back anymore. The kiss was so passionate, as if he was waiting for this moment his whole life. He pulled you closer before slowly parting his soft lips from your. " S-Sorry... " He looked away feeling shameful. You were at a loss for words. It felt so good kissing him. " I'll leave... " He pulled his backpack onto one of his shoulders and started to walk to the door. 

Right as he was turning the door knob with one hand, he felt a soft hand intertwine with his free hand. He turned to see who was the one who simply grabbed his hand only to see you. You were looking down at your shoes, seeming embarrassed, while he stared at you and his hands. Both intertwined, all he could do was smile. He slowly brought your hand up and gave it a soft kiss. " Thank you, Y/n... " He said before opening the door to show the world your connection.

" It's a blessing, to be noticed by you, Y/n... "


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