New Character||Catch Up

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How you meet

-You were new to the detective agency in the Tenryou Commission

-Immediately you climbed up the ranks by solving difficult cases one by one

-That was when you met Heizou, who was going to be your new detective partner

-"Well aren't I blessed to have such a fine woman as my partner~"

-He said as he gave your hand a kiss

-You couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable

-Sir I'm here to work, I'm not here to have some guy flirt with me so if you will lets get started please."

-"No need to be so formal~ Call me Heizou, and may I get your lovely name?"

-"Y/n L/n, and I suppose you can call me by my first name."

-"How kind of you, I have a delighted feeling that we are going to get along perfectly~!"

-"I sure hope so..."

 Why you guys do as friends

-After constantly being with him for work you sorta just got used to him

-Other than work, on your days off sometimes the both of you go for lunch

-Lunch or Dinner, maybe even breakfast depending on the time

-Sometimes you both feed stray cats and dogs while walking through Inazuma city

-Once Heizou tricked you into going on a boat ride saying that there was clues in the water

-But you ended up falling in the water so you were just shaking the whole time while he had to quickly row back to shore

Nicknames (As friends)

What he calls you


-Pretty girl

-Future Gf


What you call him

-Red head

-Pretty boy




-After knowing him for a long time you got used to his cheesy pick up lines, his playful attitude, and other random things that he does constantly

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