pastel red and porn star white (kellic)

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Trigger warning/kinks: degrading, pain and choking
Not waterparks but but whatever kellic is hot
Not actually sure the eras I was rushed. I only had four days to complete this. But whatever. Here ya go. I tried.
wOrDs: 1915

Vics pov.
"Okay kells, your turn" I heard a voice say before a guy was pushed into me. I turned around and before I could yell at the fucker I was met with the softest pair of eyes I'd ever seen. He was beautiful, slightly shorter than I was, but fucking heavenly nonetheless.  He was blushing and fidgeting with his hands a lot. The guy that pushed him was laughing, hand in hand with some other dude face all red. "hey?" I questioned genuinely confused and somewhat intrigued. The boy just stared at me, as if he was regretting everything he had done in his life up to this moment.

"H-hey..I'm Kellin and I'm in your class and was being dumb with my friends and were uh..were taking turns with asking out our crushes and...and uh yeah hi" Kellin said without stopping. This dude was adorable holy shit, but unfortunately what he said was incoherent. I put my hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm the boy.

"Slow down. Slow down jellybean." I spoke softly whilst standing in a clusterfuck of people. I walked him over to an area of hallway with less people so I could actually hear him. "okay, what was it that you said?" Kellin's eyes fell to the ground and he kept mumbling. Something about 'crush' and 'dare' or whatever. It didn't make any since at all. I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head so he was looking me in the eyes.

"Look, I don't know what you're talking about." I said. I was a little frustrated because he seemed pretty bothered by it and to be honest, I didn't want to stay in the hallway anymore. Sure, the kid was cute, but I don't have all day. Damn Kellin. His eyes were now locked on mine. His Gorgeous green eyes were now staring into mine and he wasn't saying anything.

'Time to take initiative' i thought to myself, a little annoyed. I put my thumb on his lip and pulled down so it looked like he was a begging puppy.

Pov switch to third
"c'mon baby, I don't have all day" he stared for a bit longer and then his eyes snapped shut. The dark haired boy pulled his face away realizing how long he'd been just staring at Vic. The colour in Kells face drained and flooded with red.

"I-im sorry I uh..." He took a deep breath. "I.. I wanted to know if you would go out with me sometime" his eyes began to water. He didn't intend on taking this long to ask and he felt so stupid. Vics eyes lit up. He definitely was not expecting that for some reason even tho Kellin was eyeing him like a damn god for a year now.

"I'd love to" the brown, toned, slightly older boy spoke out with the biggest smile on his face. Kellin smiled right along with him. Vic stopped smiling shortly after and grabbed the smaller boys hand with a smirk. "but for taking so damn long..." He trailed off, leading the boy into a nearby bathroom. Vic practically dragged Kellin into a stall closed the door with the younger. He had slammed the boy into the door and locked it.

A small "fuck" left the submissives lips and Vic smirked again, being very amused at the sound he made.

"Can I fuck you?" Vic asked Kells and he began to blush again.

"P-please" was all he responded with, practically a moan due to how aroused he was. Blushing Vic smiled and leaned down to kiss kellin's neck. The boy got shivers all down his body. He was given dark purple hickeys all down his jaw line and both sides of his neck. Soft moans leaving Kellin ever so often. Vic had moved in closer to Kellin and began grinding their lower halves together. Kells breath hitched in the back of his throat. He's had sex before but never had he been this turned on just from hickeys and grinding. Regardless, he wasn't complaining.

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