Chapter 2

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Camila's POV

I was in the gym practicing a new routine with the girls, well at least I was trying to. I couldn't focus because Lauren Jauregui was arguing with my Dad who happened to be their basketball coach.

He was very talented at the sport, he played in college and was number 1 on his team. He could've went pro but he got my mom pregnant and decided to let his dream go and cater to his family.

Sometimes I feel guilty because if he didn't have me he would probably be a pro player right now. But he always tells me not to feel that way because it was his decision to quit and take care of his family and that it was one of the best he's ever made and wouldn't change it for the world.

He tried to get me to play but I found I disliked the sport so much, I mean I tried it for him at first but I literally sucked so bad at it.

He would always take me to games but I'd look at the cheerleaders instead of the basketball players and copy their movements. So I decided not to follow in my dad's footsteps but become a cheerleader instead.

He wasn't too upset about it though but he was still kind of bummed, but now he has my little sister who is in love with the sport just as much as he is. They gush about it all the time and it's honestly so cute to watch.

I bit my lip as I saw Lauren's neck vein pop out, it was just so incredibly attractive. She was so incredibly attractive, especially when she was angry but she was arguing with my dad so that can't be good.

"Walz, we're not going to get anything done with you checking Lauren out." Dinah, my best friend since I moved here in 9th grade, rolled her eyes.

"I-I'm not checking her out." I blushed, a light red color rose to my cheeks. She laughed as she got into position.

I cleared my throat and glanced at Lauren one more time before turning back to the girls.

Dinah and my two other best friends, Ally and Hailee, know of my crush on Lauren. I always deny it but they know I'm lying. They see right through me every time I look at the green eyed girl.

"Okay, so the cheer goes," I got into position to show them the new cheer for our upcoming game.

"We're heading for a basket, we're moving down the floor, we are the mighty Phoenix and we know we're gonna score." I kicked my leg up high and waved my pom poms.

The girls repeated the cheer as I observed and made sure they got every mark correct. I looked over at Ashley, a freshman on the team, who seemed to be struggling with the movements.

I walked over to the smaller girl and pulled her to the side. "Hey Ash," I said with a polite smile. I showed her the correct way to do the move and asked her to try it again for me.

She tried again but messed up. She let out a frustrated sigh and looked up at me dejectedly. "I can't do it Mila!" She frowned and threw her hands down, obviously angry and frustrated with herself. "Hey it's okay. It just takes a little practice." I coaxed. She smiled weakly at me.

"How about we try this?" I asked and showed her a different approach in doing the move. She copied me and this time she was able to get it spot on.

"I did it!" She beamed and I couldn't help but smile. "Good job, now just keep doing it like that and you'll nail it every time." I patted her shoulder and she smiled at me before doing the routine again.

I glanced back over to my dad and Lauren who were getting louder. Lauren's face was red with anger and my dad's was the same just a little less red.

Lauren grabbed her gym bag angrily and stormed out of the gym as my dad grabbed his clipboard and shook his head with a sigh.

I wondered what they could be arguing about. I looked back at my team as they were doing the routine again.

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