Chapter 4

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Camila's POV

I texted Lauren and asked if she was still coming for tutoring, she said yeah and that she would be here in an hour.

I'm so nervous, she's been to my house before but she's never come up to my room or seen the upstairs really.

My dad would have celebratory dinners and cookouts for the entire girl's basketball team. My mom would always cook, not alone though, Sofi and I would always help.

The team was practically our second family. He loved coaching those girls and he treated them as if they were his daughters as well.

I was tidying up my room before Lauren came because as of right now, it's a complete mess. Clothes were everywhere, books were sprawled across my bed, which was unmade by the way.

One could say I was quite messy, my mom always tells me to clean up but usually I'm too lazy to ever do that.

As I was finishing up my room, I heard the doorbell ring and my father yell, "Miel, ver quién está en la puerta!" (Honey, see who's at the door) from downstairs. Why couldn't he just do it himself? I mean, he is in the living room.

I walked downstairs to see my father sitting in the chair which he claims as a piece of his 'man cave', whatever that means. He was reclined back in the chair with his feet up, a beer in hand.

He was apparently watching something on the 90 inch flatscreen that had his complete, undivided attention. I had only one guess, I turned towards the tv and my assumed guess was correct, a basketball game. He gets so lazy and annoying when watching those.

I rolled my eyes walking past him. "Papá, tú estabas aquí! Podrías haber contestado." (Dad, you were right here! You could've answered it.)

"Silencio niña, estoy viendo el partido." (Hush child, I'm watching the game." He said taking a sip of his beer, his eyes were trained on the tv.

I opened the door and was met with beautiful emerald eyes. "Hi," I greeted her politely. "Hey," she replied, her hands stuffed in her jacket pocket. She was shuffling on her heels back and forth, nervously? I don't know but she was cute.

I hadn't noticed that we were still standing there, in the doorway and that I was staring at Lauren, but how could I not? She was beautiful, with her perfect lips and her perfect hair and perfect smile and perfe-

"Karla, are you just going to stand there or are you going to let her in?" My father broke me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah." I felt my face heat up and turn red in embarrassment.

Lauren giggled and followed me inside. "Hey Coach," Lauren said to my dad, who was too into his game to give her a proper reply, instead he settled for a mumbled hey and a wave of his hand.

"Nice seeing you too Coach," she said. We were about to walk upstairs when she squealed slightly, making me jump.

"Oh my god, it's the Lakers versus the Heat." She screeched excitedly, walking over to my couch, slipping her backpack off and taking a seat.

I watched in amusement as she turned her attention to the game, I sighed and sat on a stool at the kitchen counter.

I watched as Lauren immersed herself into the game, screaming and hollering at the tv along with my dad. They would high five when a cool play happened and they would groan when they didn't like a call the referee made.

They were so in sink it was crazy. I guess that's one of the reasons why she is his favorite player.

I looked at the clock and 30 minutes had passed, I called Lauren's name but she didn't turn around. I called it again and she hesitantly and slowly turned her head.

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