Chapter 11

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Camila's POV

It was around 5 when I started to get ready for my date with Lauren. I'm honestly a little nervous, this is my first date ever and I want it to be perfect.

After my shower, I blow-dried my hair and then I curled it. I quickly applied some make-up. I only went light with eye liner, mascara and eye shadow. I didn't want to go overboard, after all, it was only out first date.

Once I finished my make-up, I went into my room and picked out some blue ripped skinny jeans, a black crop top and my black ankle boots.

That's an acceptable first date outfit right?

I looked at the clock and saw that it read 6:15. I sprayed some perfume on myself before looking in the mirror and re-checking my appearance.

Okay, I look fine. I hope Lauren likes my outfit.

I rushed downstairs, making my way into the living room. My dad was on the couch with some friends of his watching a basketball game, typical.

"Where are you going sweetie?" He asked, not removing his attention from the television. I sighed, taking my hand away from the doorknob and focusing on my dad.

"On a date." I replied nonchalantly, reaching for the knob again. I twisted it, but he stopped me before I could open the door. He's going to make me late!

I groaned, "Dad! I'm going to be late." He ignored me and proceeded with asking questions.

"On a date?" He stated confusingly, I only nodded. "With who?" He asked, still a little confused.

"With Lauren," I pushed him away from the door, well at least I tried to.

"Papi! Move, it's our first date and I don't want to be late." I was getting annoyed with his antics.

"Why didn't you tell me? You always to me those things." He sadly stated and that made my heart frown.

"I'm sorry Dad, it just slipped my mind. I'll give you the 411 on my date tomorrow, okay?" He nodded and kissed my head. He hated being left out of my life so I try to inform him of things that goes on with me as much as possible. Even though he's my dad, he's still like my best friend.

I was finally able to walk outside but when I did, the sight in front of me pissed me off unbelievably.

"Dad!" I screamed, he rushed out the door to see what I was yelling for. "What's wrong?" I looked at him incredulously as he searched my eyes frantically. He followed my line of sight and laughed nervously.

"What's wrong with my car?" I asked, looking at the hood popped up and the engine sitting outside on a cart.

"The engine needed a little detailing." He shrugged sheepishly. Why the hell wouldn't he tell me that!

I guess he must've sensed my distress, "Don't worry mija, you can just use my car." I almost rolled my eyes at him. Why would I want to ride in his van? It's the typical dad mobile.

"I don't want to ride around in your van!" I huffed and stormed back inside. "I need something cool!"

"I'm sorry mija!" He yelled from behind me. I just shook my head, muttering a few things in Spanish on the way up to my room.

That's what my dad and I have in common, when we get upset we let out our frustrations in Spanish.

I pulled my phone out to dial Lauren's number. I really didn't want to cancel the date but I didn't want to drive in my dad's van either.

"Hey Camz," even though I was quite pissed off, her voice made me smile immensely. "Hey Lauren." I replied kind of sourly.

"What's up? You don't sound to enthusiastic right now." She laughed, I only sighed. "Do you not want to go on a date with me?" She asked her mood changing suddenly. I could hear the sadness and insecurity in her voice and that made me frown.

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