Chapter 23

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Camila's POV

"Do you really have to go?" Lauren pouted, grabbing my waist, preventing me from finishing up packing.

"Yes, babe. Now let go so I can finish." Lauren sighed and buried her face into my stomach, not letting go of me.

"No, stay." She said childishly causing me to release a small chuckle.

"It's only a week Lo, I'll be back before you know it." I reassured her. She only held my waist tighter.

"Can you pack me into your suitcase so I can come?" I rolled my eyes and tried to push her off.

"No, dork. You wouldn't fit." I giggled.

"I could squeeze." She persisted, still not letting go of me.

I bent down and bit her shoulder causing her to yelp and let go of me.

"Hey that was mean," she pouted and threw a pillow at me that I quickly tried to dodge, key word, tried. It ultimately resulted in me falling to the floor with a thud.

Lauren rolled over, dying of laughter on my bed. I quickly got up and straddled her hips.

"Oh that was funny?" I asked, watching as her face was bright red and tears were forming in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"Well this won't be funny!" And thus the tickling craze began. She wasn't going to get away that easy!

"C-Camz! Stop, t-that I-it tickles!" she was giggling extremely hard to the point where she could hardly breathe.

"Say you're sorry!" I continued to tickle her as she shook her head. "Say it!"

"I-I'm so-sorry!" I stopped tickling her to let her catch her breath. She placed her hands on my hips and scowled at me.

"You're evil." She said, her face still flushed and red.

"And you're an ass, how many times do we have to establish this?" I joked, causing Lauren to chuckle lowly.

"Yet you still love me." I smiled and bent down to kiss her enticing lips.

"That I do." I said, smiling against her lips. After what I thought would be a small peck, I tried breaking the kiss but Lauren wouldn't let me as she traced her tongue across my bottom lip. Who am I to deny her girlfriend access?

"Mmmmm," I moaned softly as Lauren's hands slipped under my shirt. She raked her hands up and down my sides softly and she knew it was turning me on.

She smirked against my lips, trying to distract me obviously but I didn't mind this distraction if I'm honest.

She flipped us over so that she was on top and began tracing her soft lips down my jawline.

"I love you Camzi," I moaned in approval.

There was a knock on the door and Lauren quickly jumped off of me.

"You done packing sweetie?" My father asked, peeking his head through the door.

"Not really! Thanks to Lauren!" I glared at the green eyed girl who only smirked at me.

"Well hurry up and finish, we leave tomorrow morning."

"I will Papi!" I watched my father leave and leave the door cracked. I rolled my eyes at his antics.

I glanced back over at Lauren who was sitting on the purple bean bag chair in the corner of my room sporting an adorable pout. I walked up to her and gave her a quick peck on the lips.

"Help me finish." She sighed and got up, throwing my toothpaste roughly into my bag. I giggled and kissed her cheek.


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