[• ɪɴᴊᴜʀɪᴇs - ᴘᴛ I •]

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𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚗: 𝙼𝚊𝚛. 10. 2022 - 14.Apr.2022

Jᴜsᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀᴠᴀʀᴀɢᴇ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛ. Nᴏᴛ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴅᴇᴛᴀɪʟᴇᴅ ᴀɴɢsᴛ ᴏʀ ғʟᴜғғ.

Sᴍᴀʟʟ ᴛᴡ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴs ᴏғ ᴡᴏᴜɴᴅs ᴀɴᴅ ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ

As a demon slayer, one must be extremely loyal to ones master, and do everything one can to exterminate demon life. Such loyalty lived inside Shinazugawa Sanemi aswell. He was very devoted to killing demons, not letting one escape him ever. It was the same thing with each and every hashira of course, but they all had different ways to express that devotion and loyalty. Sanemi showed off his scars from the battles he had in his life, wearing them confidently. It was the opposite of Iguro Obanai. The serpent hashira preffered to cover his scars in bandages. Being more ashamed of them and never telling people about them. No one mentioned it either.

But something they all indeed had in common was this determination to fulfill their jobs. And Sanemi would do anything to not let a single demon run away, to the point where even if he had serious injuries, he'd still finnish off demons who wanted to run away. Sanemi wasn't the best at treating wounds, all of them being taken care of by himself as best as he could even if he didn't pay much attention to them, or in serious cases, the workers at the butterfly mantion. Someone who did have experience in treating/bandaging wounds was Obanai, who did that daily, although he learned from Shinobu most of the things he knew about treating his wounds.

It just so happens that after a hard mission, Sanemi returns quite injured. Many other demon slayers were also injured and had to go to the butterfly estate. Sanemi, as a hashira, decided that he could deal with the injuries himself, not wanting to busy Shinobu anymore since he knew how stressful and annoying some lower ranked demon slayers could be. But again, Sanemi wasn't good at treating his own wounds. He mostly focused on combat, strenght and strategy, not on medical stuff.

Obanai had noticed Sanemis negligence and was a little bothered by it.

"Shinazugawa." Obanai said, walking towards Sanemi after he quietly jumped down from his tree.

"Hm? Oh Iguro. What do you need?" Sanemi replied.
Him and the serpent hashira didn't speak too much, especially if they were at a hashira meeting. But they had their own moments sometimes.

"I couldn't help but notice how poorly your wounds are treated. Did you do that yourself?" Obanai guessed, pointing at Sanemis recovering arm.

"Uh, I wouldn't call it 'poor'. I recover easly anyways." Sanemi said, ignoring the fact that basically Obanai told him he sucked at medical stuff.

"I wanted to offer my help.. If you'd like, I could help you out with your arm. I sanitize and bandage wounds and scars nearly daily anyways." Obanai offered.

Sanemi thought a little.
"Eh, whatever, fine." Sanemi said, crossing his arms.

"Good, if you would come to my estate whenever you can today that would be great. I don't think I'll have anymore missions today. Goodbye." Obanai then walked back to his tree, directly jumping on it

Later that day, Sanemi remembered Obanai's offer and decided to give him a visit. He's never went to his estate but he mostly knew the way there.

It also didn't take Sanemi too much time to get there. Obanai didn't live that far away from his estate it seemed.
The wind hashira knocked on the front door. One of the caretakers of the house opened it. They seemed pretty terrified by Sanemi. Not only was he intimidating (and scary af) but he was also a much higher rank than them.

"Is Iguro here?" Sanemi asked, not-so calmly.

"Y-yes! He's in-" The caretakee tried to reply but was cut off by being pushed to the side by the hashira as he entered. He really had no respect towards some people.

Sanemi looked around the estate a little, searching for the room Obanai could be in. Maybe he should've listened to that woman from before.

Eventually, he ended up asking another caretaker which room Obanai could be in. He made his way to the room the serpent pillar could be in, which turned out to be some kind of office. When he peeked through the doorframe, Sanemi could see Obanai was sitting at a table. He couldn't exactly tell what he was doing since the man faced him with his back.
The wind hashira wanted to knock but was intrerupted by the other man.

"So you did come, Shinazugawa. Greetings. " Obanai said, and only after that turning around to face him properly.

"Hey, how'd you even know it was me?" Sanemi asked, dumbfounded.


"Nobody visits as often as before." The other replied, but then changed the subject. "Give me one second. I will finnish writing in a moment."

Sanemi stood there, waiting. He wasn't the most patient man but he supposed it wasn't good manners to rush someone in their own house. He may not be the nicest person but he still knew respect.

"Alright, I'm finished." Obanai said after a couple of moments.

"What were you writing?" The other hashira asked as he walked further into the room.

"Oh it's.. nothing. My own thoughts I suppose. Alright, now may I have a look at your wounds? It keeps bugging me that you never take proper care of them."

"Whatever. I don't see why it would be your buisness."

"But even if it wasn't, you still came to my estate. I think you're contradicting yourself."

"Believe what you want I guess."

Sanemis dry replies made Obanai almost amused. It was noticable that the wind hashira had no more of his "comebacks".

"Well then, come here, I won't be able to check on your wounds if youre 5 feet away from me."

"They're not open wounds, they're healing anyways! I don't see why you're so interested or whatever."

"It's because if you get an infection you could die."

"And what do you care?"


"I just.. do. It's for the better of the demon slayer corps. Now come here."

Sanemi rolled his eyes and went there. Although he acted stubborn, he didn't think that this was really a bad idea. But this was just the way he acted, I suppose he liked to always be the opposite of what's expected of him.
Sanemi went closer to Obanai in the end, and the serpent hashira was now able to take a look at his scars. He ordered some water together with a piece of fabric and took out his own bandages. Then, he started to carefully sanitize the wounds.

"You know, I wouldn't be surprised if these were infected already." Obanai said.

"I get it, I don't need to be told like, 10 times." Sanemi replied.

"It looks like that though."

"HEY! How about you quit with your little comments, how 'bout it?!"


I'll continue in the next part, stay tuned!

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