crack chapter bc im unmotivated asf

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written on 29 april 2022

yeah so this is gonna be pure chaos

btw my humour level is the lowest of them all so uh yeah enjoy but yeah.


So basically theres this meeting and oh look! Lets just say Sanemi became a pillar before Obanai and this is when Obanai first became a pillar.
So as I was saying,, oh look! Obanai just became a pillar or smth.
So idk how this works but lets just say its like transfer students and that oyakata guy introduces obanai to whoever was also there or whatever.

"Ok so yall i found another depressing guy so i was like 'omg ur depressed ur coming with me 😍' and yeah say hi to ur new friend lolz. Also guy who I forgor the name of introduce urself to the others or smth. " The oyakata guy said.

"Right. So uh hi I'm Iguro Obanai and yeah. That's all." Iguro Obanai said. (never couldve guessed it was him saying this)

*in Sanemis mind*
Damn not meaning to be gay but that guys looks FINE AF.

*out of Sanemis mind idk how to write*

"Yeah now go pick a cool spot to stand out or smth idk." The oyakata whatever has spoken😈.

"ok im gomna go climb the tree because im insecure about my heigjt" iguro said to himself

he climbs the tree and then pretends like nothing happened

"Whats that on you' shoulders bruv??" Gyomei said with his hot sexy succulent bri'ish accent 😍😍😍😍😍

"oh its my oet"

"pet*" Iguro replied.

"oh. my. jesus. thats a snake innit BRUV." Gyomei said with his hot sexy succulent bri'ish accent 😍😍😍😍😍


*in Iguros mind*
Whys that weird dude starring at me w a drooling mouth tf?? this place is full of weirdos smth.
*out of iguros mind or smth*

*in Sanemis mind bc why not?? we gotta make it interesting *
omg he has a pet snake i need him. i swear if he was a girl id literally drag him from that tree and to my house and do unspeakable things to him 🤤
*out of sanemis mind, ok hes really weird*

"anyways so, today i wanted to show yall this slime i made. i wanted to poat this on yt but i forgot i committed tax fraud and have no more Internet connection lolz" the oyakagdhd guys said

anyways timeskip to the end of the meeting bc we do t care about oyakahdh-samas 2016 slime videos

obanai getting ready to leave WHEN.

*drum roll*

Sanemi walks up to him.

"alr so ur hot n im hot n i hate tomioka so u should too lol" sanemisays


"omg are we gonna kiss rn????" sanemisays


they kiss and then go to sanemis house and do unspeakable things i dont write smut so no details L for you.
anyways no one heard them bc everyone who is in a 20 meter radius of sanemis house beside iguro and sanemi gets shot 73 times.
anyways thats all

why did i write this

end of crack chapter idk 😭

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