[• ɪɴᴊᴜʀɪᴇs - ᴘᴛ II •]

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𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚘𝚗: 𝙰𝚙𝚛.14.2022 - 𝙰𝚙𝚛.15.2022

i changed my mind this might have a little angst but not that much 😈


"It looks like that though."

"HEY! How about you quit with your little comments, how 'bout it?!"

Obanai quietly chuckled, trying to be quiet so he wouldn't anger Sanemi more. Who know's what the man could do if he reached his limit.

"All right, I think I'm finished. Next time, if you need any help you can find me here unless I'm on a mission or patroling." The serpent hashira finally said, after some time.

"Finally, took you long enough." The other replied.

"Impolite much."

After that, they managed to get along, mainly because they found out that they share the same hatred for Giyuu. They started chatting, opening up to one another.
Beside some childish arguments, the two seemed to get along.
Obanai has admired Sanemis confidence for a while now, he's like him even before interacting alot, this must have played a role in their current bonding moment.
In the middle of the conversation, Sanemi asked a question he's been curious about for a while. It wasn't his buisness at all but it was worth the try.

"Why do you wear bandages on your face?"

Obanai was taken aback by that question, not sure what to answer.

"It's.. nothing important." He replied.

"Well if it's nothing important then you could show me your face, right?" The wind hashira might have started to be a little pushy without noticing.

"NO-! I mean, it's just a waste of time, there's many more things we could talk about or do beside.. looking at my face." Iguro was obviously avoiding the topic, so Sanemi didn't ask about it for a while.

The two have been meeting more often after that, enjoying their short free time. Sometimes, Sanemi would still ask about Obanais bandages, but he kept refusing to show him, which would lead to Sanemi not asking about it for a while.
But something happened this one day when he asked:

"Will you tell me now what's with the bandages?"
They were both at Obanais estate again, chatting as usual.

"No, I've already told you many times that I won't. It's not important." The other replied, like always.

"Look, I guess it's a sensitive topic for you, but we're friends. We should share with eachother what bothers us, isn't that how it works?" This was something unusual for Sanemi to say, especially out of context, but he felt like he had to know what was up with those bandages, they seemed to bother Obanai aswell. Even if it wasn't visible.

"I suppose so.. but-"

"Here, I'll start, alright? How 'bout that?"

"You don't have to..."

Sanemi told Obanai his little life story. How he grew up, how he had to kill his own mother and how his little brother called him a monster for that. It was hard to talk about that, but it also felt as if he lifted a weight off of his heart.

"Oh, that's horrible, I'm so sorry you went through all of that." Was Obanais first response to all of what Sanemi had to say.

"Alright, then are you ready to open up for real this time? You know I dont judge." Sanemk reassured the other hashira in case he might be having second thoughts.


The serpent hashira started to carefully remove the bandages from his face, revealing a scarred mouth, cut from the ends to nearly his ears. Obanai found that ugly. Everything about him was ugly, disgusting. This was one of the why reasons he admired Sanemi so much. His scars weren't like his own. Sanemi wasn't ugly like him. Sanemi didn't have filthy blood like him. Sanemi was like.. his opposite. The better human.

Sanemi didn't expect to see what he was shown, he was truly shook.

"You don't have to look.. I know it's not the best sight, it's quite ugly.." Obanai covered his face with his hands as he looked away.

"Don't say that, it's not ugly. It's unusual, yes, but not in a bad way!" Sanemi grabbed the hand covering the others face and pulled it away.

"You don't have to lie, I already know it's disgusting to look at."

Sanemk tried thinking of the right words to use to convince Obanai that he wasn't ugly at all.

"I think it looks beautiful, and I'm not lying." Sanemi was dead serious now, he was staring directly at Obanai, still not letting go off his hand.

Obanai didn't understand. How was Sanemi able to say that in such an.. honest way. He almost didn't want to believe it.

"You can cover your face if you don't like showing it, but never call it ugly.",

This little interaction seemed to have made the two get even more closer to eachother. So close, in fact, that the two of them might have started to develop small crushes on eachother, which would grow with time. One could also say that they "fell"  for eachother. Did they confess? Only they know.

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