[• Lᴇssᴏɴ •]

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Fluff w a bit of angst
22.Oᴄᴛ.2022 - 26.Nᴏᴠ.2022

Highschool au again cause its easy to write it lolsies 👉👈

(forgot if i mentioned it in the oneshot but obanai wears a surgical mask everytime he's outside of his home)

Last year of highschool was begining to end. Obviously, there was going to be a prom at the end, every end of highschool needs one. It wouldn't be the end of highschool without one. But of course, at every prom there will be music, and where is music, there is also dancing. Sanemi wasn't fond of that idea, but also didn't want to be the only one to refuse to get a pair and fit in with the rest. The only problem was, he had no idea how to dance and who he could possibly ask out.

Obanai, on the other hand, didn't even think he was going to show up. Not that he hated dancing, but he didn't like the idea of having to get a pair. Plus, there were going to be too many people for his liking.


Sanemi was wondering who he could ask out. One of the students suggested he'd ask Kanae Kocho out, as she also hasn't found a pair yet. The two didn't know eachother too well, and only shared one period together. But, as much as he hated it, he still made a try. And to his surprise.

"Of course I'll be your pair, it would be akward for me to go alone. Thanks!" Kanae smiled, then walked away, as if nothing important ever happened. Not that it did, but she seemed way to careless about the situation.

Now there was only one more problem left. Sanemi danced as if he had two left feet. As he was ranting to one of his only close friends, Obanai, the other replied.

"Well, I could try and help you out.."

"Huh, you know someone who could explain some basics to me?" Sanemi asked.

"I could." Obanai offered.

"You know how to dance?!" Sanemi was shook for whatever reason. A cold guy like Iguro to know how to dance??

"That's right."

"You're kidding."

"You shouldn't be surprised. I'm the only son in the family, the rest are dozens of sisters that I have and I'm forced to practice with them for their proms every single year. Combine that with having to help them with cooking, cleaning, make-up or looks and organising and you could say I'm a certified housewife." Obanai joked, but regretted it right after. He was indeed talented when it came to all that he enumerated, but that also came with its cons. For example, Iguro didn't have strong arms. Yes he knew basic self defense and wasn't completly wreckless, but he hasn't been able to build up muscle, unlike Sanemi, who was pretty strong for his age. They were complementary.

"Wow. Just wow. In that case, I wouldn't mind some lessons.." Samemi said, for whatever reason feeling excited about it.

Something sparked in Iguros eyes after he heard Sanemi accept his offer. "Alright then, how 'bout any day at around 5pm at yours? I'd get picked on if you went over to my house."

"Yeah, 's fine with me." Sanemi agreed, happy that he could spend time wi- learn to actually dance so he wouldn't embarrass himself.

"Alright, see you then." Obanai then left. The school day was nearly over.

None of them realised, but they were oddly excited to meet eachother. Not that they didn't see eachother outside of school grounds, they did hang out together, but this seemed different , special.

It was now evening, but because it was still spring, the sun wasn't setting yet. Although it was a nice view. Obanai didn't live that far from Sanemi, taking him around 15 minutes to get there. But he did stand in front of the door for a few moments. He wasn't used to teaching. Only practicing, being there as a test dummy of some sort. Not actually helping.

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