Chapter 10 - Closure

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"jakey don't leave me"

The boy cried and knelt down on the ground.

"Hey why are you crying? Little boy?"

The adult side of jake asked the boy

The boy stared from afar to the car that was leaving.

"Jakey don't leave me" the boy once again said as he looked at the adult jake with tears in his eyes.

His face was beginning to be clear, Jake stared and tried to figure out who that boy was.

"Jake don't leave me!!" the boy was sobbing and shaked jake badly.



"Jake?" Heeseung called to the Australian who's sweating and is in tears.

Jake woke up and sobbed real hard, he gripped on Heeseung's shirt tightly as tears keeps falling

Heeseung hugged him tightly and comforted him, he didn't knew what happened. He figure it must be a nightmare.

"it's okay jake, it's okay shhh" Heeseung kissed the latter's forehead

Jake's grip was loosing and he calm down

Jake's eyes was full of tears as he didn't knew why he cried for that boy again.

Heeseung looked at the boy and he was sleeping again with puffy eyes and pink cheeks, as small snores can be heard

He was starting to get worried for Jake's mental health.

He tucked in Jake to bed and slowly get off the bed as he left the room he looked at jake once more and shutted the door.

"did you find anything?" 

"sir we have a lead"

Heeseung smirked and ended the call.


Jungwon and Sunoo was calling Jake since yesterday but the latter's phone can't be reached

They started to get worried if something happened to him, they knew what his parents are like.

They decided to pay him a visit and check on him

"Yaa shouldn't we bring guards?" Jungwon said bitting his lower lip

They were at Sunoo's car and something about them wanted to bring guards with them as they were scared.

"don't think negatively won, Jake is strong" sunoo positively said but deep down he was so worried that something might happened to him.

They arrived at the large gate and was pulled off by a guard

Sunoo and Jungwon parked the car and looked the guard deadly in the eyes and the guard stepped aside as he recognised Sunoo and jungwon.

They were greeted by maids with warm smiles

"Good morning Sir Sunoo and Sir Jungwon" the butler bowed

"where's Jake Hyung?" Sunoo asked

The butler was nervous and didn't knew what to respond

"Where is he?" Jungwon repeated

The butler was trying to respond " um his still asleep" he said trembling

"then let us see him" Sunoo said and proceeds to walk upstairs but the butler stand at the stairs and excused saying that he didn't want any visitors.

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