Chapter 13 - Drama

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jake pov:
i woked up and ohh my head fucking hurts, i remembered how drunk i was i hope i didn't do something stupid.

i saw a figure beside me, i smiled at the man beside me cutely sleeping.

i studied a bit of his features. he is real handsome, i pouted at how I'm lucky to have him.

i stood up carefully as i was feeling my pee was going to break.

"where are you going?" the man beside me grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

"i need to go to the bathroom" the man was half asleep and nodded "hurry up" he added with his deep voice.

i runned faster to the bathroom and peed.

as i was washing up my head suddenly hurts and my vision was blurry again.

"ahh my head" lots of things was falling, heeseung heard the loud crash and runned fast to the noise.

"jake!" the brunette stood up as his vision came back to normal.

"I'm fine, must be the hangover" the austrilian reasoned

hee looked so worried "no you're not, we need to go to the hospital"

"ethan i am fine really, i just need soup okay?" he smiled at him and walked past him.


jungwon was spacing out his hair was messy, jay was at his laptop, ni-ki is sleeping on sunoo's lap and sunoo is on his phone.

"good morning everybody!" the latter greeted with a warm smile

"jake looks so blooming, you look like you didn't got drunk last night" sunoo smiled

jay suddenly gasped at his computer.

"what is it?" jungwon snapped

"jake i think you need to see this" jay showed jake the news article on his laptop.

it was his dad and mom. they told the media that jake was kidnapped and they don't know what to do.

"he didn't came home for weeks now and i am so worried at something had happen to him. ohh my poor son" jake read the interview of his mom and was in disbelief.

jake walked away and called someone in the phone, heeseung quietly followed him.

"Hoonie, please don't go out today will do the hangout on some other day okay? please lock your doors, windows everything." the austrilian was walking back and forth in worries.

"i will explain to you everything when we see each other, please just don't go out please"

"okay, be careful too. bye" jake hang up and was staring at the sea he didn't know what to do.

he was really scared if his parents will hurt his friends.

a call rung and he urgently pick it up it was Taehyun. "he saw the news."

Taehyun : "Jake! where the fuck are you? are you hurt? are you still alive? did they beat you up?"

"hyun calm down, i am safe i didn't get kidnap"

Taehyun : "then why is your mom makimg up dramas online?"

"look i will explain what's happening in some other day okay? please don't tell them I'm doing fine"

Taehyun : jake please don't get hurt, you know your parents will-

"i know i know thank you for caring hyun, i gotta go bye" the brunette hanged up

he knew it was time to go back, he needed to face them.

"call for a private jet, I'm going home."

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