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You hopped in the black vehicle.

The man who held your luggage closed the door gently and got in the driving seat. He put on some music on the radio, making sure you were comfortable and relaxed.

You had no idea the mafia would be such gentle to anyone. Soon he started the car and headed to the mansion behind Luca's car.

The scenery was spectacular away from the city. You saw several huge mansions along the way.

The car stopped in front of a massive mansion. There were bushes around the house, along with some beautiful flowers.

"We're here. Welcome to the mansion." The man said while parking the car beside the house. You did not know what to say, so you thanked the driver in return.

You heard a familiar voice while you were ready to step out of the vehicle.

"Hey! How are you! Welcome, welcome!" Luca rushed out of his car and approached you immediately. The look on his face was priceless. His smile was like a puppy seeing its owner after a few days.

You walked out of the car. You saw the driver bring your luggage into the luxurious mansion.

"Wow, your mansion is huge! It's so pretty." You exclaimed.

"Trust me. It's more pretty on the inside! Come on, let's take a walk through the mansion, shall we?" He held out his hand and invited you.

You held his hand without hesitation. His warm hand gripped yours tightly. You can hear your heart pounding uncontrollably during this unintentional friendly skinship.

You both walked inside the house, revealing the grand main hall with a chandelier hanging on the ceiling. Your eyes widened as you had never seen anything like this before.

"See! I told you!" Luca smiled while observing your reaction.

Several men and women walked out and greeted their boss. Luca walked toward them instantly and greeted them too. You looked at the group in silence. You knew you were not the best at socializing yourself, so you put on a gentle smile.

You noticed one of the women glanced at their boss's hand and grinned. Soon you realized you were still holding his hand. You peeked at Luca, but he seemed unbothered. Your eyes returned to the lady who stared at you earlier, but she walked away with the others all of a sudden. You were not quite sure why she stared at you in such an odd way.

The man beside you noticed that you zoomed out for a moment. "Are you tired?" His voice and the warmth from your hand brought you back out from the puzzlement.

"Huh? Oh, I'm fine." You replied with a smile. You looked at the hand you were holding after you replied. The heat raised around you instantly, making your cheeks flush slightly.

It seemed that he was aware that he was holding your hand the whole time after a brief moment. You glanced at him once again and you saw his blushing cheeks. It was the first time you saw him blush by anything other than alcohol.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry." He let go of your hand with a sense of loneliness. You shook your head to tell him it was acceptable for you.

"......A-Anyways, I can show you your room first! Come on." He put on his energetic smile again while taking you to your room.

Your room was located right opposite his chamber. He opened the door for you and soon uncovered the glamourous structure.

There was a turntable, a telephone, and many other things inside the room. Your eyes widened once again. You could not imagine yourself living in this wealthy condition all of a sudden.

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