Long Live The King

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The following chapter contains vulgar language and violence, which some readers may find disturbing. It is intended for mature audiences. Reader discretion is advised.

"Long live the king, huh?" The man said with an evil gleam in his eyes. His gun was pointing straight at the victim's head.

"Cover your ears." The man peeked at you and smiled.

Your eardrums rang before you realized he pulled the trigger.

The air shattered. The bullet tore through space and silence fell upon you and him in its wake. The man spoke, but his words were lost in the quiet.

"Goodnight, Luca. See you tomorrow." You giggled and went into your chamber. Luca waved back and closed the door with a sense of loneliness. You missed him already though you both were only apart for two seconds.

A strong wind blew from the window in your chamber. You noticed it was wide open. Did you open your window this wide when you left the room? You did not remember.

You drank the cup of water on the nightstand. It tasted strange, but you drank it anyway. Probably the maids prepared it for you.

You changed into your nightgown and went in the blanket. You grabbed a novel nearby and started reading.

You sensed the urge to sleep after a few minutes. The strong desire made you faint immediately.

A distant thud echoed across the cold, hard floor. You lost consciousness as you saw a shadow approaching you.

The air smelled odd. You woke up from a deep sleep after a few hours. You opened your eyes and understood something was not right instantly. You were not in your room.

"You're awake, dollface? Why don't we have a little talk?" The shadow appeared in front of you. The man was dressed in black with matching gloves.

"Who are you?" You mumbled with alertness as you discovered your voice was gone. Your hands and legs were all tied up and you were lying on a sofa. You glared at the man in silence and managed to sit up.

The man's evil laugh made your blood run cold. "Who am I, you asked? I guess you can recognize me as...... A competitor of your clan." The man crouched in front of you and spoke in an Italian-American accent.

"Why are you doing this?" You trembled as he swiped his finger on your cheek. You flinched instantly. Sweat formed on your forehead.

"Oh, we're gonna have a long talk, aren't we? Hm?" He grinned while lifting your chin to meet his eyes.

"Don't touch me." You shook your head to the side to avoid him. The look on his face changed.

"Luckily today I'm in a good mood, doll. Or else you're getting whacked already. You hear me?" He said. The man walked away and sat on his throne.

You cried for help in your mind. You knew attempting to evacuate and arguing with him would only leave you being killed. You tried to compose yourself.

"My rival certainly have a distinct taste of choosing their women, yeah?" He chuckled while admiring you in your nightgown. You managed to control your anger for a moment.

"Anyway, don't you think they had been capo dei capi for too long?" He held the wine glass and took a sip.

"It's time for revolution, isn't it?" The man stared into your eyes. His ambitions and aspirations were driving him crazy.

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