Lonely Lady, Shall We Dance?

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Please play the music above if you want the best experience. I will inform you when to start the song.
Enjoy. Ehehe|ू'꒳')チラッ


What does he feel about you?
Did he hear your confession last night?
Did he feel the same way as yours?

A bunch of questions appeared in your mind as you caressed your hair in front of the mirror.

Luca is dense.

That was what the ladies had told you.

He admitted that he was dense. But he argued that was not the case. Perhaps you would not have to worry about him getting honey-trapped.

You accepted the fact that Luca's image filled your mind again early morning.

The corner of your lips raised as you looked at yourself in the mirror.

Maybe today is the day.

You had spent countless days with Luca as your friend. You knew how you feel about him from the very beginning.

But how do you know he is yours? How does he know you love him?

"Good morning, Luca." You smiled as you walked into his office, pretending that confession did not happen.

There was a couch with a lion plushie, a massive bookshelf, a wooden table with a couple of chairs, and an elegant lamp hanging on the ceiling.

"Morning! H-How are you?" He stuttered while tidying up the papers on the desk.

"I'm doing great. And you?" You walked straight beside him while placing new documents for him.

"Yeah......I'm great......" He replied. You took a glance at his face. His cheeks and ears were slightly blushed.

"Are you feeling unwell today? You look....... red." You asked while taking a close look at his face.

He moved backward immediately. "Uh-no......no! I'm fine, I'm fine! I-It's just a bit hot in here." He rubbed the back of his neck as you saw the redness increase.

You knew that he heard your confession last night. And it truly was quite embarrassing to bring it up now.

You decided to change the topic. "......Anyways, these are the documents that require your signature." You pointed at the bracket and said.

He read the documents one by one carefully. He took his pen and signed each document with ease.

You sensed a pair of eyes staring at you while you were collecting the documents. You held his stare.

He looked away instantly to avoid locking eyes with you. You quickly collected all the documents and were ready to leave the room.

"H-Hey!" Luca called while you were putting your hand on the doorknob.

You turned around and found him walking toward you. "Y-yes?"

He stood in front of you and asked. "Are you free tonight? I-I mean......I have something to tell you tonight."

You were startled as you thought you were the one who was going to do the first move.

"Of course! I'll be......waiting in your room tonight then." You replied.

𝕸𝖆𝖋𝖎𝖆'𝖘 𝕿𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊Where stories live. Discover now