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By AnimeFan299110

"Alright everyone, settle down," Mr. Aizawa said to the students of Class 1-A, "I have one last announcement to make. In light of what has happened recently with the various attacks made by the League of Villains, the principal has decided to host a school dance. The date is set for March 2nd; attendance is mandatory and I hope that you will all behave and not act like the pathetic, perverted morons that you are." He took that golden opportunity to shoot a glance at Denki and Mineta, who were known for being partners in crime when it came to troublemaking.

"For those who are lucky enough to get a partner and want to know how to dance," Mr. Aizawa continued, "there will be a sign-up for dance lessons. In addition, you will be judged on your performance at the dance by the teachers and chaperones. Whoever receives the highest score will perform the final dance that evening. That is all; you are dismissed for the day."

As soon as he left the classroom, the entire class burst with excitement. Mina began talking with Tooru about what dress she was planning to wear and who she was hoping would ask her out, Shoto was talking to Momo about something, and Iida was fighting a losing battle by asking everyone to calm down.

Izuku Midoriya couldn't believe what he had heard; a mandatory dance in front of the whole school? To him, it sounded nice. After everything they went through, the students at U.A. deserved some time to themselves. Soon, he began to dream about being in a decorated ballroom with numerous couples dancing around in tuxedos and dresses. He was dressed up in a green tuxedo and was slow dancing with a girl in a pink dress. As they continued to dance, he was able to imagine his rough hand pressed against her softback, the shade of pink on her rosy cheeks, and the buoyancy of her chestnut-brown hair.

"MIDORIYA!" Denki's voice said as it snapped Midoriya out of his thoughts.

"Oh, sorry Kaminari," he said sheepishly, "what were you saying?

"I asked if you had any idea who you're gonna ask to the dance," Denki said, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, Kaminari," Kirishima chimed in, "It's obvious who he's gonna ask." Seeing the quizzical look on Midoriya's face, Kirishima grabbed his chin and pivoted it to the front of the classroom.

Midoriya's eyes soon fell on a girl with chestnut-brown hair and rosy cheeks. This girl's name was Ochako Uraraka, and she was Midoriya's secret crush since they first met at the U.A. Entrance Exam. Realizing who Denki and Kirishima were talking about suddenly made Midoriya shiver and sweat. "B-B-But I-I-I c-c-can't ask O-O-Ochako out." He stammered. "W-We're j-j-just f-f-friends!"

"Sure you are," Kirishima said with a sly grin, "and my hero name isn't Red Riot."

"Come on, Midoriya," Denki said, "just ask her out. The worst thing that could happen is that she'll say 'no'."

Gulping, Midoriya said, "O-O-Okay." As he made his way toward Ochako, he tried fruitlessly to calm himself. This, however, was to no avail, as he felt as though his legs were heavy as lead. It felt like he was walking straight into unknown territory and he was ill-prepared. After what seemed like an eternity, he was next to Ochako.

"Deku!" Ochako said happily as she saw Midoriya standing next to her. "Crazy thing about the dance, huh? I wonder who's going with who? I bet Shoto's going to ask Momo; they seem to have a thing for each other."

"That's...great," Midoriya said as his legs started shaking, "Say, Ochako, t-t-there's s-something I w-w-want to a-ask you."

"Sure, what is it?" Ochako asked inquisitively as she looked at Midoriya.

"W-W-Well, the t-thing is...um" Midoriya tried to say, but couldn't get the words out, "W-What I wanted to ask was...I...WILLYOUGOTOTHEDANCEWITHME?!"

"What?" Ochako asked, clearly confused by Midoriya's sudden and rushed outburst. Midoriya, realizing what he had done, tried to calm himself.

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