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By SudrianCarla

SUMMARY: Ochaco Uraraka works at a coffee shop in Japan, it's a rather quiet place but that's why she loves it there. One day, a certain male arrives that changes Ochaco's entire life. And his name, was Izuku Midoriya.


The Coffee Shop was a nice place to be. It always had this soothing vibe. People would come in, order their coffee and either leave and drink elsewhere or sit down at a table and get some work done or calmly socialise with friends. This was one of the reasons why Ochaco Uraraka adored working at one. She also got paid rather well and got free coffee, but that was beside the point. She loved her job and her fellow employees, she wouldn't trade it for the world. Her time at her current job had to be the best time of her life, hands down. She would always be the first in, fully dressed and stood to attention. While some would try and cut corners with their work, Ochaco did everything the best she could. Which is why she was always elected as 'Employe of the Month'.

"Ochaco!" A voice called one spring morning, just a few hours after the establishment opened. "We need you!" The voice belonged to Ochaco's co-worker, Mina Ashido.

Within a few seconds, the brunette had promptly arrived, adjusting her hat before smiling warmly at her friend.

"What's up?" She asked sweetly, tilting her head to the side slightly as she continued to smile.

"There are so many orders I can barely handle them!" Mina whined, throwing her head back as her arms slumped behind her back.

Mina wasn't exactly the best, she got the job done no questions asked, but she was overworked too easily and always seemed to have at least one thing to complain about. But that didn't really matter anyway, she had a good heart and that's all that really mattered. After her little whine, she turned to her friend with wide eyes.

"Could you take over for me... Please?" She practically begged.

Ochaco smiled again, sighing quietly "Sure" she began in a gentle tone "stuff at the back needs washing," She said, patting her friend's shoulder before walking up to her side of the counter.

She adjusted her hat once more and tilted her head to the side, her brown hair flowing, as she flashed her trademark smile to the customer.

"How may I help you?" She asked.

The male on the other side of the counter was rather tall, messy green hair with matching emerald eyes. Freckles dotted each cheek as a tint of red had coated them. A smart shirt buttoned up and some dark blue jeans with a brown belt and a yellow belt buckle. His scar covered hands shook slightly as he reached into his pocket for the list he had made prior.

"Er-Erm.." He stammered, looking at Ochaco's smile before blushing more.

"Take your time.." Ochaco whispered, trying to calm him down; she had dealt with nervous customers in the past so this was nothing new to the brunette "Just take a deep breath and say what you want"

The male nodded slowly, taking the worker's advice. He took a deep breath and looked back into her eyes. "J-Just... An Espresso please..." He stuttered, still slightly nervous but overall he felt a lot calmer.

Ochaco continued to smile. "Of course!" She called with her typical joyous tone. The girl swiftly turned on her heel and hummed happily as she made his coffee.

"Erm... Th-Thank you" He whispered, smiling slightly as he watched her. The brunette turned to him and smiled more, adding a gentle giggle.

"It is my job," she said. This action made the male's heart squeeze. No one had been this sweet to him before it and all felt rather strange.

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