Chapter 33: Silliness.

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Katy's POV

Fortunately, Damian rushed into the house as Shannon called her already earlier. He saw us in my room, as I'm slightly dealing with Shannon. "Luckily I've called Damian to help you but it turns out that your daughter needed him." Shannon whispery said while we were talking at the corner as Damian is still checking on Emman. Shannon's right. But what if Damian caught me breaking down and unaware Emman calling me 'mom'? It'll be a long explanation and probably a start of a bunch of questions. I'm still not prepared yet.

I spun my head at Emman's bed where Gabby and Damian are watching her. Damian said she's been exhausted by what had happened. Keeping her emotions inside made her weak.

Shannon shoved my fingers to make me stop biting them. "Stop doing that mannerism of yours. It's disgusting every time you're thinking, you're not Emman." She said as she shot me a mad face. "You're such a mess in front of your daughter. Her face was shocked, maybe she didn't imagine that you could do that. We were really worried at the moment she was crying silently." Shannon lectures like a guidance counselor in some boring school.

"I'm sorry. I was like..., out of my mind. I forgot everything including Emman and I forgot myself as memories flashed in my head," I sighed. "But hearing Emman's voice pulled me back and seeing her worried face hits my mind like I was splashed by cold water. It shouldn't happen again."

"Everything in your life now is changing. You have a daughter Kate. And about that, you should tell Damian about it." She looked over my shoulder. "And he's coming right here."

"Um, Kate? Are you okay? Emman is slightly okay now. She just needs rest." Damian interrupted us as I spun my body to face him.

He grabbed my hands. Shannon excused herself and headed to Gabby. I looked up at Damian and meet his mesmerizing eyes that are already locked on me. "I'm so worried. I thought something happened bad to you." He frowns.

"Damian, I'm fine now and all that matter for me is Emman," I said. I dropped my head down, breaking our eye contact. "I have to be strong starting now for Emman."

"I'm also here for you no matter what. I accepted every flaw and your insanities," He smirks as I smiled biting my lips. "It doesn't matter to me. I love you Katheryn and no one can change that. I don't want to lose you, never." He stated that I remember like it's his mantra every time he talked to me like this. Whenever he said I love you then those words follow.

"Even if all my insecurities?" I asked.

"For me you're perfect." He smiles and kissed my forehead. "Even if you can't cook."

"Cooking wasn't on my list of priorities but now I should add it because you're starting to complain." I pinched his arm. He winced as he escorted me back to Emman's bed. Shannon and Gabby looked up at us. Still wearing those worried sick faces.

I sat beside Gabby. "I'm sorry Gab."

"It's okay. I understand." She said glumly.

"She'll be fine, Gabby," Damian said to Gabby as she nods and stood up.

"Um..., it's getting late. I better have to cook you dinner. It's a long day for the both of us here." Gabby said walking towards Shannon. "Will you help me, buddy Shan?" Gabby looked down at Shannon, chuckling, and rested her arm on Shannon's shoulder. Though Shannon is a short woman and Gabby has to look down at her. I laughed about it as Shannon shot me a curious glare.

"What?" Shannon asked.

"Nothing," I replied.

"So, we will leave you for a while," She raises her brows as she's telling something to me. Her eyeballs moved and pointed at Damian that now positioned beside Emman's bed where he sat and leaned closer to kiss Emman's forehead. He looks so like a real father to his daughter. "...we will call you later. If something happened again, we will be downstairs..," She pointed to me. "...and you woman...behave." She smirks as both she and Gabby left us.

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