Chapter 15: Safe.

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I called David to get Emman here out in my car as I'm complaining she's heavy. David put her down on my bed gently, not to wake her up.

"She's really heavy than I've thought." David said putting her hands over his waist.

"Yeah, I'm struggling before I ended putting her in my car." I smirk.  "Worst gym workout." I added jokingly as we both laugh softly.

"But I'm glad you two are okay now." David walked towards me and hug me, smiling.

I hug him back and nod, thanking him from carrying Emman up here in my room. He leans on to Emman and did leave a kiss on her forehead. I see that David is fond of her as i notice how David's concern face when he's staring Emman.

I sat at the edge of my bed, fixing the blanket over her. Her arm revealed. I almost forgot her bruised arm. I gently rubbed my thumb to her bruise as she moves and her face flinches in pain, turning to her side.

"What the hell Emman? Where did you get that bruise?" I questioned my own self. My mind is full of possible answers as then I realized maybe at her school where something happened.

So, I call Gabby immediately to let her know about this. It's already quarter to six; probably she's already got home.

*15 minutes later after the call* 

A soft knock at the door averted my sight to it. Gabby pops her head slowly. "Is she still asleep?" She asked as i nod to her. She walks inside my room and sat beside Emman.

"Gabby, I need you to see this, but please be calm and hold your voice. I will understand what you would feel about this because I felt it earlier." I said to her calmly that her face turns to furrow of what I've been saying.

She smirk. "What is it, Kate?" but still she's curious about it.

I pulled Emman's blanket down to her bruise arm. "See that? See?" I said sounded a bit blaming on someone but not Gabby of course.

She gasps. "What the fudge was happened to her arm?!" She said furiously. Her voice billowing by her anger.

"Shhhhh..." I shush, widening my eyes to her to lower down her voice. "I told you, right? That's what I'm talking about. Who the hell hurt her like that?" I said.

Gabby and I stand to each of where we were sitting and situated ourselves at the corner to discuss.

"What do you think, where did she got that bruise?" I question Gabby.

She shakes her head. "I don't know. Maybe at school?"

"That's what where I'm thinking too."  I said and glanced at Emman.

"But how?" Gabby said wondering-ly. "That's why Mom didn't want to pinch or even hold her with a pressure coz she'll easily get a bruise. That's how sensitive she is." Gabby explained.  "..and maybe  the  kid she mentioned to Mom that's she's calling her foe." Gabby added  scratching her chin.

Maybe Gabby's right but about Emman, she's sensitive not only physically but emotionally.

"Okay, here... If she wakes up later. You start to ask her." I said to Gabby as she nods in agreement to me.

"But why me?" She questioned, but she did agreed  to what I've told her.

"Gabby.... Because, she will answer back to me like she always do and ended that we were ignoring each other again..." I shrugged. "...I don't want to wreck what we have started earlier." I added.

"Okay, fine! But don't expect that I'll be calm coz I'm not. I'm not happy to see her with that bruise and look, its swollen." Gabby stated. "...I will kill the person who does that." She added seriously like she's really serious. Gabby let out a sigh. "Okay, I'll be calm just not to scare her."

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