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With only a couple of hours away from Germany, Sam was asleep as I was sitting there thinking to myself. I didn't know if it was just sexual attraction to Y/N or if I actually found her attractive and gained feelings for her. She knew exactly what to say to make me feel better constantly. Her smile and her laugh was everything to me, it could bright up a whole room.
The thing was if there was some type of feeling there for her I wouldn't even know how to even approach her. She lost her husband not too long ago who was also my best friend and in a sense it feels kind of unrealistic for her to even have any feelings back.

"What's wrong?" I heard her voice ask as I looked up from my hands over at her just laying there cuddled in a furry throw blanket she bought before we met Torres for our flight.
"Nothing I'm okay" I lied as she let out a small laugh. "You've been awkward since this morning What's up?" She asked.
"Nothing I've just been thinking about this whole thing with Walker." I lied as she nodded and sat up from the matching pillow to bought.

She moved her blanket and patted the spot next to her. "Come here" she softly said with a sweet smile. "No I'm fine" I assured looking back down at my hands.

"Bucky come here" She repeated as I looked up then at her for a moment

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"Bucky come here" She repeated as I looked up then at her for a moment. I then got off the cargo boxes walking over towards her

 I then got off the cargo boxes walking over towards her

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Then finally sat next to her. "You need to rest and stop thinking about that constantly." She started off while placing her blanket on my body while bringing her part up to her neck. I just faintly smiled doing the same as I just sat there.

She definitely had a nurturing spirit about her and I think that's what draws me to her. She didn't care nor judged me based off what I used to be and I wondered why she
Didn't. "Can I ask you a question?" I asked breaking the silence. "Yeah" she said looking over at me. "Why are you so nice to me?" I started off "you know with everything I've ever done or you know with me at one point trying to kill you?" I asked as she giggled at the last part.

"Why would I keep judging based off of something you did in the past if you're a new person?" She asked. "Why give you hell if you already give yourself enough hell over thinking and having dreams of being the old you?" She questioned as I finally looked at her . "If it was me going through what you're going through I would want someone by my side no matter what i say because that's one of those things you can't deal with alone" she explained.

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