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I took my towel away from my torso about to get dressed until I heard the door open and a loud gasp. I without second thought covered my frontside with a pillow. Y/N just stood there with her hand over her eyes. "I am so sorry" she apologized turning to face the door as I chuckled some.
I then grabbed my towel wrapping it back around my torso as she continued to face the door.

"I guess this is pay back from me walking in on you" I brought up. "It's not funny" she said continuing to face the door causing me to chuckle. "You act like you've never seen a penis before." I brought up. "Well being greeted by dick isn't the first thing I thought would happen when I walked in" she said as I let out another chuckle. "Im surprised you said dick I would've thought that you thought that dick was too vulgar of a word" I teased.

"Shut up" she expressed as I just looked at her from behind. "It's safe to turn around" I assured as she turned and still had her hand over her eyes. "You can move your hands" I said through my chuckle as she moved them and I chuckled looking at her eyes still squeezed shut. "Here this is for you" she said holding a plastic bag out as I took it from her and she stepped back and peeked opened her eyes.

I then opened it seeing a box of condoms. "I just thought, you know it's something you should carry around with you....You know" she started off as I looked at her. "Just in case" she finished as I chuckled some. "You should probably go try it on and put some clothes on while at it" she suggested. "You're the only one uncomfortable with me not having clothes on" I challenged. "James" She expressed as I chuckled and walked into the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom looking at the box of condoms and
Pulled one out just to see. I just got dressed and walked out the bathroom to Y/N walking back into the room with a cup of ice from the ice machine at the end of the hallway. She popped one in her mouth then looked at me. "Did you try one on?" She asked. "Uh" I started off and crossed my arms. "It didn't fit" I admitted looking at her.

"It was the regular size" she started then scrunched her brows confused

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"It was the regular size" she started then scrunched her brows confused. "It was too big?" She asked genuinely confused. "No it was small" I said. "Oh" she said looking at me as I nodded. "Ohhhh" she dragged out nodding slowly. "Yeah so Thanks for thinking about me but I'll just go buy it" I assured.

"Really it didn't fit?" She asked still confused which made me laugh. "When you take the serum it enhances everything that's already there on the insides and out the outsides" I explained. "So you got a big dick?" She asked bluntly as I chuckled and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Don't-Don't make this awkward" I stated "It's won't be awkward unless you make it awkward" she assured. "Besides I brought you some food back in case you wanted to eat" she brought up.

"Yeah I can eat" I assured but I wasn't necessarily talking about food at the moment. She went towards the bag she had from the restaurant and pulled out a to go plate as I looked her up and down biting down on my bottom lip subtlety. I leaned on counter beside her looking down at her as she handed me the plate. Before she could walk away I sat my plate down and grabbed her arm softly.

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